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About Rapunzel
Company Portrait
Organic manufacturer
Introducing the next generation of Rapunzel
Vision and Corporate Philosophy
Company History
50 years
40 years Rapunzel - 40 years organic movement
Visitor Center
Fairy tale wedding: Zwergenwiese and Rapunzel
One World Award
Organic-Fair Farming
Real organic
Turkey Project
Partners and products
Processing in Ören
Impressions & Reports
HAND IN HAND-Fair-Trade-Program
HAND IN HAND fair trade
HAND IN HAND criteria
HAND IN HAND-donation
Exemplary Projects in Details
Hekima, a Success Story
A School for the Future of Africa
Organic Partner
Organic quality since 1974
Quality control
Our claim
Special Rapunzel quality
Organic cultivation
Agropoisons? No thanks!
Fair organic palm oil
Rapunzel among the forerunners for sustainable palm oil
Palm oil: pros and cons
Important questions and answers
Mauro Rosso
Demeter partner
Information on GMO
Rapunzel Products
NEW organic products
Antipasti & spice pastes
Baking ingredients
Grains and grain products
bioSnacky sprouts equipment
Coffee, cocoa and instant beverages
Nibbles and snacks
Muesli and Porridge
Noodles and Pasta
Oils, fat and vinegar
Tomato products and sauces
Dried fruits
Wine and Prosecco
Seasoning, salts, soups, spices
Demeter products
Allergens, Vegan and Raw
New Recipes
Instagram Recipes
Veggie 4 Kids
Natural cosmetics
Main Dishes
Do it yourself ice-cream
Cake and Pastries
Delicious for on the Road
Snacks and Nibbles
Rapunzel Partners
Rapunzel Products
Pure enjoyment: Coffee, cocoa & drink powders
Hero Coffee and Cocoa – they are of best organic quality and fair trade! From classic roast to special origin coffees, we offer a select choice for all coffee aficionados. Besides our coffees, our aromatic cocoa and delicious grain coffees are also known for their exquisite taste. Immerse yourself in the world of coffee!
Roast coffee
Origin coffee
Instant coffee and cereal coffee
Cocoa and drink powders
Product Knowledge: Coffee
HAND IN HAND-Supplier portrait: Hero coffee
Home-made: Coffee
Product Knowledge: Cocoa
Cocoa: Fair value chain
Roast coffee
Classic coffee beverages like crema, espresso and others are a delight for all coffee fans.
Hero coffee Arabica, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Arabica, ground HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Crema, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Espresso, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee house mix, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Espresso, ground HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee mild, ground HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Viva, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Viva, ground HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee house mix, ground HAND IN HAND
Origin coffee
Coffee from countries like Laos, Guatemala and Colombia are particularly special, as they have their own unique flavour.
Hero coffee Guatemala, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Colombia, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Laos, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Mexico, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Sumatra, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Guatemala, ground HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Kenia, whole beans HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Kenia, ground HAND IN HAND
Hero coffee Colombia, ground HAND IN HAND
Grain & Instant coffee
A quick drink for young and old, with or without caffeine
Children coffee instant cereal-fruit coffee
Semi-strong instant cereal-bean coffee
Arabica coffee instant bean coffee
Cocoa and beverage powder
From aromatic cocoa to the sweet caramel taste of carob powder, you are sure to find your favourite!
Carob powder
Cocoa with coconut blossom sugar
Cocoa powder, low fat HAND IN HAND
Tiger cocoa drink HAND IN HAND
Tigerquick cocoa drink instant HAND IN HAND
Interesting facts about coffee, cocoa and drink powders
Dekoratives Bild
Product knowledge: Coffee
Become a coffee expert! Grown organically in mixed cultivation and processed with care before undergoing a gentle roasting process at our special facility in the Allgäu. Our coffee is sure to awaken your senses and inspire a deeper awareness to the need for a just world.
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Dekoratives Bild
Supplier portrait: Hero Coffee
Our Hero Coffee is made by true heroes. This is because the coffee farmers ensure that biodiversity flourishes in the coffee-growing regions. Not only does their coffee cultivation ensure stable and species-rich ecosystems, but it also gives the beans their exceptional quality.
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Dekoratives Bild
Home-made: Coffee
We love coffee! Which is why we roast our organic fair-trade Hero Coffee ourselves at our coffee roasting facility in the Allgäu. Experienced master roasters pay special attention to the high quality of every raw coffee, with each type receiving its own individual roasting time and temperature.
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Dekoratives Bild
Rapunzel Coffee Store: „Coffee & More“
The Rapunzel World now has a new highlight. In the Rapunzel coffee store, you can now taste freshly ground coffee and choose some specialist items to enhance your coffee enjoyment at home. The coffee store is an ideal complement to the existing coffee exhibition and popular coffee workshops in the Rapunzel World.
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Dekoratives Bild
Cocoa: Fair value chain
The fair value chain of our Bittersweet Chocolate 85 % HAND IN HAND is significantly shorter and more transparent than that of conventional chocolate, as has been demonstrated by a master’s thesis.
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Dekoratives Bild
Product knowledge: Cocoa
Historically a mineral-rich energy drink consumed by the Aztecs and Mayans, today it is a popular hot beverage made with milk or water; it can be drunk as a ready drinking chocolate and is also available as a cocoa drink powder from Rapunzel.
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Organic manufacturer
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FAQ about Coffee and cocoa
What is gluten?
Gluten, also known as gluten protein, is a group of certain proteins found in cereal grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats. The gluten content is of decisive importance for the baking properties of a flour. Gluten protein binds up to three times its weight in water when it becomes moist. In the process, it develops rubber-like, elastic properties. Like a skeleton, the gluten threads run through the bread dough and ensure that a fine-pored, loose dough forms. The quantitatively and qualitatively highest gluten is provided by wheat, to which it also owes its excellent baking properties. Some people are allergic to this protein due to a metabolic disorder. With sprue or coeliac disease, the medical names for this intolerance, a lifelong gluten intolerance remains. Coeliac disease and sprue are chronic diseases of the small intestine that manifest in childhood or do not appear until adulthood. Since the organism has an intolerance to the gluten protein, those affected must eat a gluten-free diet. The following grains are gluten-free in their unprocessed state: Rice, maize, millet, buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa.
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Is Rapunzel coffee suitable for fully automatic coffee machines?
Yes, our Rapunzel coffee beans are suitable for all commercially available fully automatic coffee machines. The suitability of coffee beans for fully automatic machines is often associated with the oil content of the beans. It is assumed that beans with too high an oil content are not suitable for fully automatic machines. Our coffee beans have an oil content that is no problem for all commercially available fully automatic coffee machines.
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Are enzymes or starter cultures added during the fermentation of Rapunzel coffee?
No starter cultures or enzymes are used. The fermentation takes place with only tap water in a water bath.
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Why are the cans not completely filled?
The empty space is due to technical reasons. When the product is filled, the fine cocoa powder is loosened up. In this form, it takes up a larger volume, and the tin is then actually filled to the brim. The cocoa powder compacts during storage and transport. Therefore, there is a note on the packaging “filling level technically conditional”.
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What distinguishes organic coffee and cocoa farming from conventional?
Rapunzel coffee and cocoa are grown in mixed cultivation, e.g., together with bananas, citrus fruits and shade trees. They protect the sensitive plants from wind and too much sunlight. The falling leaves mulch the soil and thus protect it from erosion. Pest control is carried out according to organic cultivation guidelines, and no chemical or synthetic pesticides or fertilisers are used. This maintains a stable ecosystem that protects soils and water from erosion, leaching and chemical pollution. Harvesting is done very carefully by hand. Rapunzel coffee and cocoa are also fairly traded. The products bear the HAND IN HAND seal, which stands for organic cultivation and fair-trade at the same time.
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Which coffees are included in the Rapunzel coffee blends?
Most of Rapunzel's coffees are pure Arabica coffees. The Arabica bean is a fine, mild highland bean from coffee gardens in Honduras and Peru. We source the beans from fair-trade from our long-standing HAND IN HAND partners. Coffee farmers cultivate coffee plants there according to ecological guidelines. The fair minimum price paid by Rapunzel and the long-term supply relationships enable the coffee producers to secure their livelihoods. The Heldenkaffee Viva and Heldenkaffee Espresso varieties are blends of the fine Arabica beans and the somewhat stronger Robusta beans from Tanzania. We also source the Robusta beans from fair-trade HAND IN HAND partners. Robusta gives the coffee the slightly earthier and stronger taste for which our espresso with original Italian roast and our Heldenkaffee Viva are so appreciated.
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Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel
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