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One World Award honors global encouragers for the sixth time
Get to know the winners
[April 26, 2021] Encouragers – for us, encouragers are people who make the world a little bit better through their commitment, persistence and courage. The Rapunzel One World Award (OWA) honors people, projects, initiatives and ideas with ecological, social and economic impulses for improvement.
This year for the 6th time, we presented together with IFOAM – Organics International the encourager award to several very special people. The One World Award is endowed with a total prize money of 45,000 € – for the first time, the award ceremony took place as an online event.
Winner of the One World Award Grand Prix is Organic Denmark; the OWA Lifetime Achievement Award went to Tomoko and Yoshinori Kaneko. Guest of honor at the award ceremony was German Federal Development Minister, Dr. Gerd Müller.
For an online presentation of all the winners:
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Paul Holmbeck and Helle Borup Friberg from Denmark
OWA Grand Prix-Winners 2021
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One World Award Winners
Eliza Mayo and Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed from Israel
Kosha Joubert and Sonita Mbah Neh from Mother Earth
Martha Isabel Ruiz Corzo from Mexico
Janet Maro and Alexander Wostry from Tanzania
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Lifetime Achievement Award: Tomoko und Yoshinori Kaneko Organic pioneers in Japan
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Rapunzel Supports Future Makers
Rapunzel is represented around the world. Our raw materials are procured in nearly 40 countries. Rapunzel products are exported to as many countries. This international contact is the reason why company founder and shareholder Joseph Wilhelm occupies himself intensively with the topic of globalization.
Inspired by this experience and the success of the HAND IN HAND fair trade program, Joseph Wilhelm and Rapunzel initiated the international “One World Award” (OWA) in 2008. The underlying thought of the award is the notion: we all live in one world.
With IFOAM, the International Federation of the worldwide Organic Farming Movement, Rapunzel found an ideal partner. Coordinator and Chairman of the OWA jury is Berward Geier, former Managing Director of IFOAM for 18 years.
Selection Process and Award Ceremony
Nominations meeting the outlined basic requirements will be screened by a panel made up by jury member Joseph Wilhelm, the jury chairman Bernward Geier and the organizing team. The jury chairman will personally visit the five finalists and their projects.
Based on the information from the OWA application, visit reports and the interviews with the nominees, the international OWA jury selects the OWA laureate from five finalists.
Every finalist receives an OWA certificate and a cash amount of 2,000 Euro. The OWA laureate receives a bronze OWA statue and 25,000 Euro prize money.
Goals of the One World Award
for globalization projects where the focus lies not exclusively on the maximization of profits but instead on the three pillars of sustainability: ecology, social aspects and economy.
of outstanding efforts and creative projects that promote the organic idea.
for people who work for a future worth living and a peaceful society.
The Laureates
The One World Award (OWA) honors people, projects and innovative ideas who give globalization a positive dimension and make the world better and more equitable.
Eligible are especially those ideas and projects that are based on the three pillars of sustainability: ecology, economy and social aspects. In addition to the “One World Award”, Rapunzel also presents the „Lifetime Achievement Award“ which honors prominent pioneers and outstanding persons who have worked throughout their live for the advancement and support of the organic movement.
Reinforcements for the OWA jury
This year, the One World Award is presented for the 6th time. New this year: the OWA jury has grown and new experts enrich the team. In the future, the applications from all over the world will be evaluated by six instead of four jury members.
Short portraits of the jury members:
Bernward Geier,
Jury coordinator
Jury coordinator since 2008 when the OWA was first initiated. Bernward Geier has been active in more than 100 countries and for more than 40 years as networker, journalist, lecturer or moderator for agricultural issues and environmental politics.
Joseph Wilhelm,
The founder and managing director of Rapunzel Naturkost started the OWA in 2008. The organic pioneer is a worldwide promoter of organic agriculture and for just and peaceful living – with fair trade, proprietary organic cultivation projects and active involvement against agropoisons and GMOs.
Dr. Vandana Shiva,
The physicist with a PhD is globally involved in environmental issues, biodiversity, women's rights and sustainability. For her extensive engagement, she received several awards such as the Right Livelihood Award. She has been active as OWA jury member since the beginning.
Dr. Hans Herren,
The internationally-renowned scientist, farmer and Right Livelihood Award laureate is one of the new jury members. He founded the Biovision Foundation that focuses on developing successful organic strategies. In 2010, Hans Herren and Biovision were awarded with the OWA.
Julia Lernoud,
At the Reasearch Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), this new jury member used to compile the annual reports "The World of Organic Agriculture". Since 2017, she is member of the IFOAM - Organics International World Board. IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriulture Movements) has been partner of the OWA since its start.
Santiago J. Sarandón,
The professor of Agricultural Ecology is also new in the OWA jury. His research focuses on sustainable agriculture and biodiversity and he is an internationally-renowned lecturer and author.
Shamiso Mungwashu,
The co-founder of the „Fair Trade Support Network Zimbabwe” (FSNZ) is committed to improving the living conditions in her homeland - with respect to fair trade, organic agriculture, sustainable development or children's rights. The 2017 OWA laureate now supports the jury for the first time.
For more information
about the One World Award please click here:
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel
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