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About Rapunzel
Company Portrait
Organic manufacturer
Introducing the next generation of Rapunzel
Vision and Corporate Philosophy
Company History
50 years
40 years Rapunzel - 40 years organic movement
Visitor Center
Fairy tale wedding: Zwergenwiese and Rapunzel
One World Award
Organic-Fair Farming
Real organic
Turkey Project
Partners and products
Processing in Ören
Impressions & Reports
HAND IN HAND-Fair-Trade-Program
HAND IN HAND fair trade
HAND IN HAND criteria
HAND IN HAND-donation
Exemplary Projects in Details
Hekima, a Success Story
A School for the Future of Africa
Organic Partner
Organic quality since 1974
Quality control
Our claim
Special Rapunzel quality
Organic cultivation
Agropoisons? No thanks!
Fair organic palm oil
Rapunzel among the forerunners for sustainable palm oil
Palm oil: pros and cons
Important questions and answers
Mauro Rosso
Demeter partner
Information on GMO
Rapunzel Products
NEW organic products
Antipasti & spice pastes
Baking ingredients
Grains and grain products
bioSnacky sprouts equipment
Coffee, cocoa and instant beverages
Nibbles and snacks
Muesli and Porridge
Noodles and Pasta
Oils, fat and vinegar
Tomato products and sauces
Dried fruits
Wine and Prosecco
Seasoning, salts, soups, spices
Demeter products
Allergens, Vegan and Raw
New Recipes
Instagram Recipes
Veggie 4 Kids
Natural cosmetics
Main Dishes
Do it yourself ice-cream
Cake and Pastries
Delicious for on the Road
Snacks and Nibbles
Rapunzel Partners
HAND IN HAND – Fair trade meets ecological responsibility
Together for a fairer world: Discover the Rapunzel fair trade programme
Rapunzel not only focuses on organic products, but also on fairness and sustainability. With our HAND IN HAND fair trade programme, we promote fair trade worldwide, support organic farming and ensure that everyone involved along the supply chain is treated fairly and can make a decent living.
Our vision for fairness and sustainability
Dekoratives Bild
HAND IN HAND is more than a fair trade programme – it is a promise. A promise to people and nature to take responsibility and set the highest standards. It combines ecological and social responsibility. Fair working conditions, transparent supply chains and sustainable cooperation with producers worldwide have been the cornerstones of the programme since 1992.
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For all fairness fanatics:
To all those who say cheap but mean fair. Who do not think about saving money when seeing humane prices, but about humanity. We are redefining fairness – for a world that is fair for all, full of well-being and thriving biodiversity.
We have been working HAND IN HAND with suppliers since 1974, paying above-average fair prices and actively improving their living conditions. This means: Our focus is on people and nature – not profit.
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Important principles of HAND IN HAND:
Fair prices:
For a sustainable livelihood for farmers and workers.
Long-term partnerships:
Mutual trust and planning security.
Strict standards:
Social and environmental criteria that go beyond legal requirements.
What makes HAND IN HAND so special?
HAND IN HAND combines fair trade with organic farming and sets new standards in co-operation with our partners. We have been sourcing raw materials from all over the world since 1987. Co-operation with producers from countries in the Global South and the quality of the produce grown there were and are the main focus.
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1. Strict criteria for a better world
The standards of our programme go far beyond legal requirements. HAND IN HAND means:
Fair working conditions: Secure jobs, fair wages and social benefits.
Sustainable agriculture: Promotion of organic farming methods.
Transparent supply chains: Traceability back to the source.
No child and forced labour: An immovable principle
Food that is good for everyone can only be produced if everyone along the supply chain is doing well.
Dekoratives Bild
2. Fair trade with the future
Our producers and farmers are at the heart of the HAND IN HAND fair trade programme. Through fair prices and long-term trading relationships, we create prospects and strengthen local communities.
Because all people have the same right to live and work in peace. Living conditions often depend directly on local future prospects. Especially for the younger generation.
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3. Supporting organic farming right from the start
Organic farming is one of the most important building blocks for effective environmental and climate protection. Therefore, Rapunzel works closely and on an equal footing with its worldwide partners: We import raw materials almost exclusively directly from the country of origin and do not buy on spot markets or commodity exchanges. This allows us to keep an eye on the entire supply chain and further promote organic cultivation. Rapunzel employees know their partners personally and are in constant dialogue with them, also through visits on site or at our premises in Legau – because long-term cooperation requires and creates mutual trust and transparency.
Fairtrade benefits at a glance
Our HAND IN HAND partners guarantee...
Rapunzel Naturkost guarantees…
Quality products in premium organic quality
Compliance with all national regulations
Social security for employees
Humane, healthy and safe working conditions
Prohibition of child labour and forced labour
Uniform transparency
Direct and long-term supply relationships
Purchase guarantees, annual contracts
Fair product prices plus HAND IN HAND premium
Support and advice
Costs of HAND IN HAND inspections and certifications covered
Pre-financing and loans upon request
Labelling and product labelling
1% of the purchase value of all HAND IN HAND raw materials goes to the HAND IN HAND donation
HAND IN HAND products – your choice for a better world
Dekoratives Bild
The company's own
can be found on the front of all Rapunzel products where more than 50% of the raw materials come from HAND IN HAND partners, i.e. meaning they are certified as fair trade. More than 130 Rapunzel products now bear the HAND IN HAND seal.
The HAND IN HAND partners during their regular visit to the Rapunzel company site in Legau
The HAND IN HAND partners during their regular visit to the Rapunzel company site in Legau
The trusting co-operation over many years, the constant exchange and personal visits guarantee the high product quality. Independent inspectors also ensure quality through regular inspections.
We wish you lots of enjoyment! And say thank you for making a contribution to improving the living conditions of people in countries of the Global South with your purchase of HAND IN HAND products.
More about the Rapunzel Fairtrade programme
HAND IN HAND criteria and seals
HAND IN HAND partners
HAND IN HAND social criteria
What distinguishes the HAND IN HAND programme?
Discover the strict criteria and standards behind the HAND IN HAND seal. Here you can find out how organic farming, fair prices and social responsibility come together to create a fairer world.
Our global partnerships at a glance:
from cashew plantations in India to cocoa farms in the Dominican Republic – get to know the people and projects that implement and support the HAND IN HAND programme worldwide.
Commitment to people and society:
HAND IN HAND goes beyond trade: Our social criteria promote sustainable development, better living conditions and targeted projects in the cultivating countries.
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel
Useful Links
Rapunzel News
Rapunzel Products
Rapunzel Recipes
Foreign Distributors
We distribute our products around the world - our local partners are happy to help you.
Rapunzel Naturkost
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