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About Rapunzel
Company Portrait
Organic manufacturer
Introducing the next generation of Rapunzel
Vision and Corporate Philosophy
Company History
40 years Rapunzel - 40 years organic movement
Visitor Center
Fairy tale wedding: Zwergenwiese and Rapunzel
One World Award
One World Festival
One World Festival Review
Pictures of the festival
50 years
Dealer Market & Suppliers
How to get there
Organic-Fair Farming
Real organic
Turkey Project
Partners and products
Processing in Ören
Impressions & Reports
HAND IN HAND-Fair-Trade-Program
HAND IN HAND fair trade
HAND IN HAND criteria
HAND IN HAND-donation
Exemplary Projects in Details
Hekima, a Success Story
A School for the Future of Africa
Organic Partner
Organic quality since 1974
Quality control
Our claim
Special Rapunzel quality
Organic cultivation
Agropoisons? No thanks!
Fair organic palm oil
Rapunzel among the forerunners for sustainable palm oil
Palm oil: pros and cons
Important questions and answers
Mauro Rosso
Demeter partner
Information on GMO
Rapunzel Products
NEW organic products
Antipasti & spice pastes
Baking ingredients
Grains and grain products
bioSnacky sprouts equipment
Coffee, cocoa and instant beverages
Nibbles and snacks
Muesli, Porridge & Flakes
Noodles and Pasta
Oils, fat and vinegar
Tomato products and sauces
Dried fruits
Wine and Prosecco
Seasoning, salts, soups, spices
Demeter products
Allergens, Vegan and Raw
New Recipes
Instagram Recipes
Veggie 4 Kids
Natural cosmetics
Main Dishes
Do it yourself ice-cream
Cake and Pastries
Delicious for on the Road
Snacks and Nibbles
Rapunzel Partners
About Rapunzel
Company Portrait
40 years Rapunzel - 40 years organic movement
Where do we come from? Where will we go to? A determination of our position
Company Portrait
Organic manufacturer
Introducing the next generation of Rapunzel
Vision and Corporate Philosophy
Company History
40 years Rapunzel - 40 years organic movement
Visitor Center
Fairy tale wedding: Zwergenwiese and Rapunzel
Show Video
by Joseph Wilhelm
Already ancient masters and philosophers knew it: life should be a constant, continuous flow - "everything flows". We can feel this when our own energy flows through our body and we feel good when we are in tune with the river of life. Therefore, I am very grateful that our company has been supported by many individual people and that we have been part of the organic movement for forty years during which we were able make our own contributions to the organic movement.
This should not be taken for granted. Many things must flow together in order to facilitate such positive developments.
For me personally, a decisive criterion for our success has been that Rapunzel was not founded based on "ego motives". The discovery of the vegetarian lifestyle was such an exhilaration for us that we wanted to share it with our fellow human beings. But our concerns and our motivation were all-encompassing: we wanted to change our lives radically. Making the world a healthier and fairer place was the great idea behind it all.
From this not only ourselves but especially our fellow human beings and the environment should benefit...
Special brochure for download!
„A healthier and fairer world was our great idea“
Carefree, almost starry-eyed without health or social insurance, without a fixed, monthly income we jumped into the organic adventure. Life rewarded us! Therefore, this existential confidence in life and the full devotion for the work associated with it has been another guarantee for success although I was able to recognize this only later.
Least of all were clear economic goals and so-called "business plans" responsible for our success - we had none. Rather the work and energy of hundres - no, thousands - employees and you as Rapunzel customers made us to what we are today: 350 salaried staff at headquarters in Legau and Bad Grönenbach and several thousands farmers and employees from supplier companies in many countries of this earth. All these people build their existence on this great "energy flow" that all of us make possible.
From our beginnings until today it has been our concern to form our world and our work life according to ethical and ecological aspects and to contribute to keeping our earth liveable for future generations - all in accordance with our continuously improved company philosophy that is more valid today than ever before.
Of the entire food market turnover via all the different distribution channels, organic food products hold only four percent of market shares. In Germany, roughly six percent of the areable land are cultivated according to organic principles, worldwide, the organic share amounts to only one percent. Both in the organic and social areas, the organic industry has been responsible for numerous innovations.
In my opinion, the role of the organic movement as an idea and innovation generator for the conventional agricultural and food industry is therefore more important than current turnover figures. To the same extent that the "headwind" from the agrochemical lobby and the biotech companies increases, the numbers of people who think that the concepts and values of the organic movement are necessary for a sensible and sustainable future grow bigger and bigger. Instead of fighting against the challenges either as the organic industry on the whole or as an individual organic company (which is a waste of energy in my opinion) it is better to concentrate on our own work and to try to do this to the best of our ability.
The expectations of our customers and our trade partners grow bigger and present us daily with new challenges. Moreover, the interests and requirements of other stakeholders must be considered and complied with: starting with the organic farmers all the way to institutions and organizations such as the food control agency or organic certification bodies.
We see our job in securing raw materials from reliable and authentic organic cultivation also in the future for example through different organic farming projects. This also includes all-encompassing quality work that ensures the organic quality in addition to the basic raw material quality. This results in a continuous development of the "internal" and the "subtle" quality of our products. In doing so we want to ensure that our food products will increasingly serve "life". Our products should not only support the wellbeing of our customers but their production should also protect and support the enviroment in a sustainable manner.
Our year-round company tours offer you the possibility to get a first hand glimpse of the manufacturing of our products. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Joseph Wilhelm
Company founder and shareholder
40 years "Organics with love" - the photo gallery
In the 1970s not only Rapunzel was founded but many companions from the organic industry started to market their first organic products at that time. They all had a common goal: saying "no" to industrialized foods, towards (and back) to living foods.
At first, some produced only for their own subsistence, but the demand for healthy, untreated and naturally produced foods grew more and more ...
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel
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