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Cooking with kids: Veggie 4 Kids
This way even children eat vegetables and have fun in the kitchen
Every parent knows this situation ... the dear child absolutely refuses to eat anything healthy. But our children need the best possible nutrition for their growth, preferably with high-quality, fresh organic products and lots of vegetables. In our section "Cooking with kids" we collect great recipes for children - that taste great and are uncomplicated to prepare with children in the kitchen.
Did you already know? Children have to try things up to ten times before they get used to a taste. And of course, the role model function of parents should not be forgotten!
So don't give up if you have once again the impression that "my children are extremely fussy" - we hope you have fun cooking and trying things out together with your children!
Veggie4 Kids: Tips and tricks
the latest kids recipes
to the recipe collection
Pizza belegen mit Kindern
How do I get my kids to eat more vegetables?
by Stina Spiegelberg
Broccoli, spinach and cucumber are not always the favorites of our little ones. They spit, play, refuse, or wrinkle their noses when there is not exactly the kind of food on the plate that he or she wants to have. What children like to eat is certainly a matter of taste. Here you can find out how to make the bright colors of fruit and vegetables palatable to your child and why this hasn't worked so far.
Tip 1: Being a role model
Whether we like it or not, as adults we set examples with our actions. Even at a young age, children notice preferences, behaviors and approaches to nutrition in their parents. If you want your child to prefer broccoli to a bag of chips, you yourself should set a good example.
If you are enthusiastic about a healthy and balanced diet, you can easily pass this on to your children and teach them in a playful way what keeps us healthy and vital.
Going to the farmers market becomes an adventure, without vegetables there is suddenly something colorful missing on the plate and flavor enhancers are completely superfluous for the little ones.
Dekoratives Bild
Topping pizza together with your kids
Topping pizza together with your kids
Tip 2: Cooking together
Studies show that children prefer to eat what they have prepared themselves and what they can relate to. Let your child choose the vegetables at the market and cook together. "What are you in the mood for today?" gets the little ones involved. They are more likely not to spurn later what they have chosen themselves.
Visit a farm with your child, harvest vegetables together or just the herbs on your balcony. There are so many wonderful ways to show children that food doesn't grow in the supermarket.
If children grow up with an awareness of how food is grown and produced, they will appreciate it much better and they will prefer to eat unprocessed food.
Tip 3: Delightful for the eye and the palate
"It has to be delightful for the eye" applies to all children. Cook colors that your child likes, make the meals colorful and fun. Radish ladybugs on the vegetable wafer, a palm tree from bananas and kiwi, a toast with a strawberry mouth. Food shouldn't be there to play with, but a positive association with skeptically-eyed veggies can work wonders.
The way a food is consumed can also conjure the meal into a favorite. Finger food is always appreciated. Burgers with veggie patty, and veggie balls with dip simply go down well.
And last but not least, children enjoy naming things. Play a little and try whether your child prefers to eat the beet soup if is called strawberry soup instead or if is more attractive to convert the big salad plate with cucumber fishies to a pirate's dish.
Vegetable waffles with radish ladybug decoration
Vegetable waffles with radish ladybug decoration
Spaghetti with zucchinelli in broccoli vegetable sauce
Spaghetti with zucchinelli in broccoli vegetable sauce
Tip 4: Getting used to it
When it comes to vegetables, start by focusing on what kids already like to eat. According to nutrition experts, children need at least 10 contact points before they like something. You can start counting in your head. Pressure and reproaches are counterproductive. If you want to foster your children's appetites for vegetables, you have to take a positive and creative approach.
The good thing is:
taste can be learned and developed. Start mixing some vegetable spaghetti into the pasta, lighten the rice with millet or add some lentils.
If you gradually increase the proportion, your child will not notice any difference and will get used to the taste more and more.
What children love
There is no ONE recipe for success. As with us adults, the palates of children are also very diverse. Since tastes change over the years, however, you can try certain foods again after some time has passed. While most fruit is quite popular due to its sweetness, children often despise vegetables.
Start with sweet and visually appealing vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, peppers or squash. If your child doesn't like a vegetable cooked, he or she may be keen to eat it raw. Let the kids smell the vegetables, let them taste the veggies with and without peels and try out what they like best. When you prepare the vegetables, we recommend to prepare them gently without much spice.
With a few little tricks, vegetables will soon be taken granted by your children. If these tips seem too complicated for you to begin with, pick something that you can easily implement in your everyday life. Start somewhere and enjoy the process yourself, then with a little patience, your child will follow and enjoy it, too.
All tips briefly & concisely
Act as role model
Communication: live what you preach as an adult (eat veggies, cook yourself, buy vegetables at a market or where there are lots of veggies).
Eat healthy food as a matter of fact
Cook together with your children
Visit food producers with your kids
Let your child decide: what would you like to eat today?
Delightful for the eye is delightful for the palate
Decorate plates nicely
Concentrate on foods that the children like to eat.
Finger food is groovy
Getting used to it is everything
It takes 10 times until a child gets used to a certain taste
Nutrition experts advise: Pressure and reproaches are counterproductive - if you want to develop your children's appetite for vegetables, you have to take a positive and creative approach.
Start with half the amount, then add more and more. Taste can be learned.
What children love
Every child has his/her individual taste.
Start with mild and colorfully appealing vegetables.
Sweet vegetable varieties like carrots, tomatoes, peppers, squash go over well.
Try cooked vs. raw
Few spices, lots of sweetness
Our latest kids recipes
Spelt Toast Bread
Breakfast cookies
Shake with Samba and banana
Quinoa Patty
Almond Cinnamon Snails
Lemonade with lemon, pomegranate and ginger
Date easter eggs
Apricot easter eggs
Children's recipes from A to Z
Almond Cinnamon Snails
Almond-Tonka Muffins
Apricot easter eggs
Apricots ice
Banana chia protein pancakes without flour
Berry Coconut Ice Cream Pops
Bread waffles
Breakfast cookies
Breakfast pizza with bionella
Bruschetta spread
Buckwheat and hemp seed bars sprinkled with bittersweet chocolate
Caramel Chocolate Bars with bionella
Carob Pudding
Cashew Berry Yogurt
Chocolate coconut muffins
Chocolate Coins with dried fruits and nuts
Chocolate crossies
Chocolate crunchy cereal
chocolate-coated dried fruits
Creamy potato salad with vegan mayo
Date easter eggs
Fried potatoe patty on fresh summer salad with cream cheese dip
Fruity crunchy Chocolate Bars
Halloumi fried egg burger
Hazelnut balls with cocoa
Hokkaido pumpkin wedges with soy sauce and sesame
Hot chocolate with nougat cream, coconut blossom syrup and almonds
Ice Pops peanut chocolate banana
Instant cereal coffee-Frappé
Kale Chips
Kidney bean spread
Lemon cake with coconut oil
Lemonade syrup made from fresh redcurrants
Lemonade with lemon, pomegranate and ginger
Moussaka vegan
Muffins with oats and coconut oil
Nougat cream pralines
Oven baked Zucchini Fries
Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie with Chocolate Chips
Polenta sticks with a tahini aioli and tomato dip
Popcorn with pecan nuts and semisweet chocolate
Potato salad with cucumber
Quinoa Patty
Raspberry crumb cake
Shake with Samba and banana
Spelt Toast Bread
Spread for kids with tomato paste paprika
Sweet crepes
Tempura vegetable sticks for fondue
Toffee flavor popcorn with peanuts, vegan
Tofu scrambled egg with Gomasio
Tomato and carrot soup with Tonka
Tonka pudding with raspberries and almond and coconut crunchy cereal
Tsampaballs with cranberries
Vegan Doughnuts with marmalade
Vegan Pancakes from Aquafaba
Vegetable waffles with protein flour
Waffles with white almond butter
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