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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND FUND – funded projects 2010

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

Every year Rapunzel supports various initiatives in developing countries. One percent of the revenue from the HAND IN HAND raw materials is donated to the HAND IN HAND fund that is managed by the German Envirornmental Aid Association (DUH) and Rapunzel. The fund receives additional money from donations and other campaigns. The available funds are offered every year at the international level: 

Independent organizations, charitable projects and non-profit organizations can apply for up to 5,000 € from the fund. With the HAND IN HAND fund Rapunzel wants to fight poverty and hunger by improving work and living conditions of people in poor countries. Additional goals of the HAND IN HAND fund are the protection of biodiversity and a sustainable influence on environmental conditions. Since 1998, the fund supported 122 projects around the world with a total sum of 504,000 € (last update 04/2011).

In 2010 we were able to support 18 projects with a total sum of 68,900 EUR. 
The donation went to the following projects:

Funded projects 2010

Project Country Description Funding amount
eddr.e.V. Ivory Coast Solar power supply for two villages, climate neutral coffee processing, support for organic coffee project 5,000 EUR
OrphanAid Africa Ghana Construction and furnishing of a physiotherapeutic facility including supply of adjuvants for handicapped orphans 2,000 EUR
ISC e.V.- Hekima School Tanzania Follow-up project "solar power supply" - cooperation with ISC 5,000 EUR
Arche Deutschland e.V. Zimbabwe Solar power system for a community of handicapped people in the city of Harare 4,500 EUR
ARA e.V. - Waldportal Germany Continuous support of website 1,000 EUR
DIZ e.V. - Frankfurt India Sustainable water management on an organic pilot farm 4,000 EUR
Global Nature Fund Pakistan Sustainable food security management in villages of the Deh Akro-II desert region 5,000 EUR
Cepicafe Peru Sustainable management and organic certification of coffee plantations 5,000 EUR
FTI Phillippines Pilot project sustainable forest management - integrated reforestation project 3,000 EUR
SEKEM Freunde e.V. Egypt Sesame farming development project in Egypt 5,000 EUR
ISC e.V. India SUN-i.2 installation of a solar-powered water purification plant at the Dalit School in Kalappetty 3,000 EUR
Agritogo Ind. Sarl Togo Pineapple project - education of pineapple farmers, organic and HIH certification 1,000 EUR
Shares Uganda Distribution of moscito nets for malaria prevention and support of organic farming methods 10,000 EUR
Burkinature Burkina Faso Scientific project for enhancing the quality of export products through improvement of hygiene and production conditions 3,000 EUR
Tropice Verde e. V. Costa Rica Educational project for sustainable development in the Monte Alto forest reserve 3,000 EUR
Topara Peru Installation of solar power plants for the improvement of medical services in the Topara Health Center 3,000 EUR
Kisanga e.V. Congo Emergency aid for the Kisangani Social Center that was struck by a cholera epidemic; purchase of new cattle 5,000 EUR
Aktion Lebensträume e.V. Tibet Construction of a nursery and a cultural center for earthquake victims in the Tibetan Highlands - securing a sustainable water supply 5,000 EUR
HEKIMA - ISC - DUH Tanzania Additional support of the TanSol project - construction of a solar power supply system for the HEKIMA Girls Secondary School  2,000 EUR

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