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Rapunzel Products
Samba – delicious nut nougat butter with 45 % hazelnuts
The classic bread spread brings pure indulgence to your breakfast table
Tahini - oriental indulgence
Nutspread: multifunctional, tasty and healthy
Jo. Bread spread – aromatic nut cream
For several generations, already since 1990, Samba has been bringing delicious nut flavor to the breaktfast table letting the hearts of big and small Samba lovers beat faster. Since that time, many things have changed but the incomparable Samba has remained the same.
Dekoratives Bild
Every jar of Samba Hazelnut contains best organic ingredients in the accustomed Rapunzel quality: 45 % crunchy hazelnuts, fair-trade sugar, palm oil, cocoa and Bourbon vanilla as well as experience, passion and an extra portion of love. And that you will taste!
Over the years, different variations were added to our classic Samba Hazelnut: Samba Crunchy, Samba Dark, Samba Coconut, Samba Almond, the Samba Snack and the Samba Stick.
Samba products
Recipes with Samba
The manufacturing process – from the nut into the jar
The entire Rapunzel staff contributes to the manufacturing process making sure that the Samba nut nougat butter will come to your organic store and to your breakfast table. Every Samba jar contains a lot of passion and commitment.
In the early years, the nuts were ground in a simple stone mill and the hazelnuts and Samba were manually filled into jars. Today the production process at company headquarters in the Allgäu uses sate-of-the art technology that guarantees best quality and gentle processing.
Schonend geröstete, duftende Haselnüsse fließen aus dem Big Pack in die Nussmühle
Before the hazelnuts are processed, they undergo thorough sensory and physical quality tests.
In the next step, they are roasted in an innovative infrared rotary tube roaster. During the roasting process, the nuts unfold their full, characteristic aroma. During this process, the valuable ingredients are preserved as far as possible. At the same time, the roasting process is particularly eco-friendly and complies with the highest ecological requirements. ... it's wonderful when the scent of freshly roasted nuts is drifting through the house.
Die Gläser werden in der Kolbenfüllanlage mit frischem Samba befüllt
Next, we grind the freshly roasted hazelnuts to nut butter and mix the butter with the other valuable Samba ingredients: Rapadura whole cane sugar, Cristallino cane sugar, fair-trade palm oil, whole mik powder from the Allgäu, best cocoa and genuine Bourbon vanilla.
Every jar contains a total of 45 % hazelnuts. A special grinder processes this mass until the typical, fine Samba glaze has developed.
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How we manage to create this incomparable, melt-in-the mouth butter without binders or any other additives will remain Rapunzel's big secret!
The finished hazelnut-chocolate butter is subsequently filled into jars by a piston filling machine. The jars are labelled and packaged into boxes - and finally shipped to the natural health food stores!
The Samba history - how it all began
In the early days of the organic industry (in the 1970s), the focus was on healthy basic food products. At the same time, the Rapunzel founders also experienced the upcoming desire - even from inveterate raw foodists - for sweet indulgence such as chocolate or a delicious nut nougat butter.
Back then, there were many small children in the "Rapunzel family". These kids had to constantly face the temptations of the sweets industry during visits to the grandparents, in the kindergarten or the school. This motivated Rapunzel founder, Joseph Wilhelm, to first experiments in the farm kitchen for a healthier nut nougat butter.
Dekoratives Bild
Dekoratives Bild
Raw materials such as cocoa and Rapadura whole cane sugar were already available from the previously started organic chocolate project. Other ingredients like palm oil were not yet available. To that end, Joseph Wilhelm searched new suppliers in order to arouse their enthusiasm for organic agriculture.
The first nut nougat butter manufacturing trials were encouraging. However, due to the unstable raw material quality at that time, especially with respect to Rapadura whole cane sugar and cocoa, there were always setbacks.
Despite all quality variations the circle of test persons grew bigger and bigger. This encouraged the Rapunzel founders to start a first genuine test production with rather modest production means. This is how Samba came into the organic stores - back then revolutionary, today legendary.
At this point, we want to thank all our customers who went along with all the quality variations that could be tasted back then.
How Samba got its name and its monkey label
On his trips to partners for Rapadura whole cane sugar, cocoa, palm oil and Bourbon vanilla, Joseph Wilhelm visited many exotic, tropical countries such as Madagascar, Brazil and Costa Rica. The lush, tropical vegetation and the diversity of the differnt cultures inspired him. Since Rapadura whole cane sugar from Brasil was one of the main ingredients for the nut nougat butter, the association with "Samba", the sizzling-hot dance rhythm was evident.
Designing the label was a similar story. Our friends from "Vierpunkt Grafik" and our illustrator, Wolfgang Steinmeyer, quickly developed the idea with the little monkey. With a name and a label, Samba with 45 % hazelnuts was all set to go into the organic stores. And we were enthused to market a nut nougat butter where the main ingredient, the nuts, actually corresponded with the name.
Dekoratives Bild
Samba products and field reports
Samba chocolate balls
Samba chocolate balls
Samba Snack
Samba Minis
Samba coconut choc. spread
Samba Dark
Horst D.:
"Like the Flamenco belongs to Spain, the Tango to Argentina and the Mambo to Cuba, belongs Samba on my table!"
Michaela M.:
"Samba Hazelnut gives delicious cakes and pies the finishing touch! My children love it!!!"
Silke W.:
"Samba is the best breakfast treat for our entire family... without thaving to worry about abusing our planet. Unfortunately, the jar is empty way too fast :)"
Detlef T.:
"Regardless if Crunchy, Dark and Hazelnut, Samba always is a treat. But pure indulgence for me is Samba with the Coconut."
Recipes with Samba
Samba olé! The nut nougat butter is irrestistible not only for breakfast or pure from the jar, but it also gives desserts a finishing touch. Try Samba as a filling in croissants, in muffins, pudding or hot chocolate. Here, you can find the best Samba recipe collection:
Shake with Samba and banana
Chocolate coconut muffins
Hot chocolate with nougat cream, coconut blossom syrup and almonds
Valentine's Day Heart Cookies
Colorful Breakfast Toast
Chocolate crossies
Samba tonka pudding
Sweet crepes
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel
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