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Dear customers, we are looking forward to your message, questions, praise or criticism.

Address & Phone

Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1
D - 87764 Legau

Phone:   +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Fax:       +49 (0) 8330 / 529
- 1188

Navigation systems might still have 
our old address: Haldergasse 9


General contact

All general questions about Rapunzel and Rapunzel products will be answered via  
contact form

Consumer service

You can contact the Rapunzel customer service for end consumers

by phone
Monday - Thursday,  9 - 12 a.m.
Monday and Wednesday, 1:30 - 5 p.m.
Friday, 9 - 1 p.m.

at +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1240

For general questions about Rapunzel and products please use belows 

Contact form


For complaints, please use the  
Complaints form.

Organic store

At headquarters in Legau, we operate a full-range organic store.

At our store, you can purchase Rapunzel products directly from the manufacturer as well as fresh produce from the region. The store hours are: 

Mo - Sa:  8 a.m. -  6:30 p.m. 


Company tours

Information about company tours at our headquarters in Legau and current dates can be found at 
Tour Rapunzel.

Specialized organic market (Germany)

If you are a specialized organic shop and want to buy from Rapunzel, please refer to handel(at)

Private label

If you are private label customer or want to become a private label customer, please contact privatelabel(at)

Potential Supplying Partner

If you like to become a Rapunzel supplier, please refer to supplier(at)


Please send your press inquiries to presse(at)

Working at Rapunzel

If you are interested in working at Rapunzel, please inform yourself at 
Job offers.



You want to cooperate with us online for your blog, your instagram or your facebook page? Please send your message to blogger(at)

Contact form

Form of address:

First name:

Last name:

E-Mail: *

Street and house number:

Zip code:




I am interested in:

Your message:

I have read and understood the terms of use and the data protection notice.
I am aware that the transmitted personal data can be used by Rapunzel for further questions or for contacting me in accordance with this data protection notice.

Please note when completing our online contact form, fields marked with * are obligatory.


Dekoratives Bild
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel

Foreign Distributors

We distribute our products around the world - our local partners are happy to help you.

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