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Rapunzel Products bioSnacky sprouts equipment

bioSnacky sprouting seeds - energy packs from your windowsill

From cress to alfalfa to buckwheat

It is no wonder that growing sprouts at home is the latest trend as these small, unassuming energy packs are full of valuable nutrients, and its great fun germinating them at home. This is something that even our ancestors were aware of: germinating is not a modern invention. Sprouts are even mentioned in Chinese texts dating as far back as the 3rd century AD.
With the many kinds of bioSnacky sprouting seeds that are available, there is something to suit every taste and every geminator. Seeds are divided into two types: mucilaginous and non-mucilaginous.
Non-mucilaginous seeds have to be watered generously up to four times a day.

Mucilaginous seeds, on the other hand, only require sprinkling once a day with water from a spray bottle. Also, they are not suitable for glass germinators.

What might at first seem complicated to newcomers is actually quite simple:

The best way to get going is to buy a starter set. This set contains a glass germinator, which is ideal for starting out at growing sprouts from seeds. It includes four different types of sprouting seeds; these are non-mucilagenous, which makes them easier to use.

From seed to sprout

Radish seeds can be harvested as sprouts after 4 to 5 days. 
1st day
1st day
1st day
2nd day
2nd day
2nd day
3rd day
3rd day
3rd day
4th day
4th day
4th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
6th day
6th day
6th day

What actually happens during germination?

The germination phase is when the nutrients are at their highest concentration

It is in the germination phase that the plant has the highest concentration of nutrients it will ever have during its development. During germination, the seed's enzymes multiply within a few hours, while the bioavailability of minerals and trace elements increases. Proteins are broken down into their building blocks, fats into fatty acids, and carbohydrates into single and double sugars, making them easier to digest.

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The rapid generation of vitamins is unusual - for instance, the carotene content of wheat grains increases by an average of 190 % after 20 hours of germination, and that of vitamin B2 by 50 % after 12 hours; in the case of alfalfa the amount is as much as
1000 % after four days.

Changes following the germination process

  • Since they absorb large amounts of water, the calorie content per unit of weight of the germination grains falls significantly. The fat content can fall by 10 % to 60 %, depending on the plant species.
  • The relative protein content increases by 20% and the protein quality (the composition of the amino acids) increases.
  • The vitamin content (especially of the B and C groups) increases significantly. The fibre content also increases.
  • Germination increases the bioavailability of minerals and vitamins in the intestine.
    For example: phytic acid is present in many cereals. This insolubly binds numerous active substances to itself. Germination breaks down the phytic acid, and the previously bound minerals and vitamins can be better absorbed into the blood.
  • Sprouts are far superior to seeds and frequently even to the mature plants, in terms of their nutritional and health-determining properties!
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Germ = the plant within the seed
The germ is the internal structure of the subsequent plant, which is contained in the seed. This germ is concealed in the seed, as an embryo of the plant, so to speak. It contains the precursors of the cotyledons, the roots and the stem, although none of them are yet recognisable as such.
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Seedling = the infant plant
The seedling is the young plantlet that emerges from the seed. It comprises the entire plant-to-be, including the young roots and the above-ground elements.
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Sprouts = leaflets and stems
Strictly speaking, the sprouts only comprise the above-ground parts of the seedling, i.e., the stem and subsequent leaves. The roots are not actually part of the sprouts. In the language of sprout cultivation, however, the entire seedling is usually referred to as the sprout. In general, the sprouts are so young when they are harvested that no real roots have formed yet.
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Microgreens or green weed are young green plants
In green weed, the stems of the young plants grow upwards in an orderly manner, while green leaflets form in the upper area. The roots take hold in the substrate below or among themselves and are not usually eaten. The best-known green herb plant is garden cress, which is sold as a ready-to-use green herb.

Rapunzel bioSnacky sprouting seeds

Power sprout mix bioSnacky
Power sprout mix bioSnacky
Kale bioSnacky
Kale bioSnacky
Buckwheat peeled bioSnacky
Buckwheat peeled bioSnacky
Little Radish bioSnacky
Little Radish bioSnacky
Fitness Mix bioSnacky
Fitness Mix bioSnacky
Red Clover bioSnacky
Red Clover bioSnacky
Wellness Mix bioSnacky
Wellness Mix bioSnacky
Mung bean bioSnacky
Mung bean bioSnacky
Broccoli Rapini bioSnacky
Broccoli Rapini bioSnacky
Alfalfa bioSnacky
Alfalfa bioSnacky
Cress bioSnacky
Cress bioSnacky
Fenugreek bioSnacky
Fenugreek bioSnacky
Arugula bioSnacky
Arugula bioSnacky
Mild aromatic sprout mix bioSnacky
Mild aromatic sprout mix bioSnacky
Vitality Mix bioSnacky
Vitality Mix bioSnacky
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FAQ about Keimsaaten bioSnacky

In its germination phase, the plant has the highest concentration of nutrients it will ever have, in its development. During germination, the seed's enzymes multiply within a few hours and the bioavailability of minerals and trace elements increases. Proteins are broken down into their building blocks, fats into fatty acids and carbohydrates into single and double sugars, making them easier to digest. The sudden formation of vitamins is special: e.g., the content of carotene in wheat grains increases on average by 190 % after 20 hours of germination, and that of vitamin B2 by 50 % after 12 hours, in alfalfa even by 1000 % after four days.

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Due to the absorption of large amounts of water, the calorie content of the germination grains per unit of weight drops significantly. The fat content is reduced by 10 to 60 % depending on the plant species. The relative protein content increases by 20% and the quality of the proteins (the composition of the amino acids) improves. The vitamin content (especially of the B group and C) increases significantly. The fibre content increases. Germination increases the bioavailability of minerals and vitamins in the intestine. For example: Phytic acid is present in many cereals. It insolubly binds numerous active substances to itself. Germination breaks down the phytic acid and the previously bound minerals and vitamins can be better absorbed into the blood. Sprouts are far superior to their seeds and often also to their adult counterparts in terms of nutritional and health-determining properties!

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Growing sprouts yourself is very much in vogue. All you need is a germinator, the appropriate seed, a bright place without direct light and some water. On the packaging of the respective sprouting seeds you will find all the information about the soaking time, the recommended seed quantity as well as the germination period and application.

We have compiled a list of the general conditions that need to be observed for you here

Light Seeds have been exposed to direct sunlight or have not received enough light. They need a bright place, but no direct light. Temperature Ambient temperature is too low/too high. Ideal temperature is 18-22° C. Water Seeds were soaked too short or too long. Seeds have not been watered carefully, i.e., they are either too wet or too dry. Seeds were soaked with lukewarm water and/or watered. Use cold water only. Mucilaginous seeds Mucilaginous seeds did not have their surfaces sprayed with water and/or germinated in a germination jar. Air Germination vessel is too poorly ventilated. Choice of (germinated) seeds No original bioSnacky sprouted seeds were used. Fibrous roots vs. mould Fibrous roots are confused with mould. Filling There are too many germinating seeds in the germinator or they are too close together. Hygiene Germinator was not cleaned thoroughly enough or there is still detergent residue in the unit. Seedlings were touched by hand.

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Fibrous roots are, as the name suggests, small roots. They usually develop after 2-3 days and later become real roots. Their cotton-wool, furry, fluffy appearance means that the white fibrous roots can be mistaken for mould at first glance. But they are definitely not! Fibrous roots can occur in practically all sprouting seeds, but mostly in the sprouting seeds of summer radishes, radishes and alfalfas during the growth phase. Fibrous roots do not have black spots, are not slimy and do not smell unpleasant. Fibrous roots smell fresh to pungent, whereas mould smells musty. This is what fibrous roots look like: If, for example, sprouts have too little space and air, the humidity and temperature in the germinator are too high or seeds with low germination capacity are used, mould can form. A germinator that is not perfectly clean also promotes the formation of mould. Prevent mould: Keep everything that comes into contact with the seedlings hygienically clean. Too much water is just as harmful as too little. Follow the basic procedure and try again. Please don't give up, it will definitely work next time.

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Sprouting seeds that are specifically suitable for growing sprouts have a guaranteed germination capacity. Theoretically, you could also germinate edible goods – but with edible goods, the seedling may be damaged due to post-drying or cleaning. This means that they do not necessarily meet the requirements for germination seeds. For edibles, other quality parameters are of central importance. Compared to seeds, it is cleaned more intensively, goes through several sieving processes and is sometimes also brushed in the process, for example, to remove adhering dust. In some cases, subsequent drying is necessary to ensure the microbiological safety of the raw material. For these reasons, the seedling can be affected, which can lead to the fruit no longer germinating.

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Germ = the plant within the seed The germ is the plant within to make the later plant, which is contained in the seed. This germ is hidden in the seed, as an embryo of the plant, so to speak. It contains the precursors for the cotyledons, the roots and the stem, but all not yet recognisable as such. Seedling = the entire baby plant The seedling is the young plantlet that hatches fresh from the seed. It includes the complete later plant, both the young roots and the later above-ground parts. Sprouts = leaflets and stems Strictly speaking, the sprouts are only the above-ground parts of the seedling, i.e., the stem and the later leaves. The roots do not actually belong to the sprouts. In the language of sprout cultivation, however, the entire seedling is usually referred to as the sprout. Most of the time, the sprouts are still so young when they are harvested that no real roots have yet formed. Green weed = green young plants In green weed, the stems of the young plants grow upwards in a nice orderly fashion and green leaflets have formed in the upper area. The roots have taken root below in a substrate or among themselves and are usually no longer eaten. The best-known green herb plant is garden cress, which you can buy as a ready-made green herb.

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Yes, that works, but there are a few things to consider when putting it together: The germinating seeds must have the same requirements regarding soaking time, care and germination time. For guaranteed germination results, use the perfectly balanced bioSnacky sprout seed mixes such as Fitness Sprout Mix, Vital Sprout Mix, Mild Aromatic Sprout Mix or Wellness Sprout Mix.

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No. The bioSnacky germinated seeds are specially designed for germination in germinators and cannot be sown in the garden.  

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There are no limits to the use of sprouts in cold and hot cuisine. Just let your imagination run wild. Whether classically as a topping on bread and sandwiches, in salads, soups, dips, spreads, sauces, pasta and rice dishes, casseroles, omelettes, fritters or smoothies. Sprouts bring variety to your dishes and enrich them with their diverse flavours. You can find recipes here.

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Don't worry – you don't have to buy a completely new germinator, because you can reorder each level (water collection tray / bottom tray, seed tray, lid) for the sprout garden and the germinator individually. The lid of the bioSnacky sprouting jar cannot be reordered.

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It is not necessary to sort out ungerminated seeds. With legumes, however, it makes sense because their ungerminated seeds do not taste good.

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Sprouts are mentioned in Chinese texts as early as the 3rd century AD. It was also a Chinese doctor who, at the end of the 16th century, described sprouts as true miracle packages. He attributed them anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, laxative and body-building effects. In the 1970s, the “green wave” gave sprouting seeds a real boost. Cooks also like to use the attractive sprouts as decoration. In the meantime, sprout cultivation has become all the rage. No matter how big or small the flat, a few crisp sprouts can be grown on any windowsill.

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This is personal discretion. If you are unsure, you can blanch the sprouts. Germinated legumes should only be eaten raw from the 4th day.

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You can germinate the wheatgrass in a sprout garden or in a seeding tray or flower pot. To do this, place the wheat seeds in a bowl, pour water over them and leave to soak for 12 hours. Then pour off the soaking water. Choose a bright place for germination without direct light. Procedure with the sprout garden (also possible in the germinator or Keimli): Place fleece paper in a bowl and spread soaked seeds evenly in the bowl with a spoon. Water daily 2-3 times or later spray the greenery with a spray bottle. Harvest the greens after about 7-10 days. Procedure for seeding tray/flower pot: Fill the seeding tray or flower pot almost to the brim with soil. Spread the soaked seeds evenly on top, press down lightly and cover with a thin layer of loose soil (approx. 1 cm). Water the soil or seeds well so that the soil is well moist. Cover the seeding tray or flower pot with a cardboard box or tea towel and allow to germinate for approx. 3 days. Then the seedlings break through the soil and form their greenery. Ensure sufficient moisture and aeration so that the grass can grow nicely. Harvest the greens after 7-10 days.

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The difference between the bioSnacky sprout garden and the germinator is mainly in the irrigation system and the height of the individual sprouting trays. With the germinator, the water runs down from level to level via the red siphons, while the sprout garden has holes at the bottom of each level through which the water flows down one level further. This makes the sprout garden particularly suitable for larger seeds such as mung beans or lentils (for small seeds such as alfalfa you need the corresponding fleece paper) and is especially ideal for wheatgrass, which can grow nicely upwards on the top level under the round vaulted cover.

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The fleece paper is intended for germinating small seeds in the bioSnacky Sprout Garden. First moisten the fleece paper, place it in the sprouting tray of the sprouting garden and spread the seeds evenly on it. The watering of the sprout garden can then be done comfortably, as usual via the lid, without small seeds getting into the next sprouting tray or clogging up the sprout garden. One pack contains 25 pieces. The fleece paper is not reusable.

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Sprouts provide vitamins, minerals and fibre and contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. So they are a great addition to the menu. However, due to the warm and humid environment, if sprouts are not grown properly, not only can the sprouts develop well, but also undesirable germs. When growing the sprouts, they should therefore be between 18°C and 22°C, in no case warmer than 23°C. Although the sprouts grow faster at warmer temperatures, they also go bad much faster. The most important hygiene measure is daily watering. The warmer it is, the better you have to rinse the sprouts daily. Only fresh, clean tap water may be used for this purpose. If you forget to water the sprouts, you should discard them to be on the safe side. Always wash food under running water and never put it in the sink. Sprouts are best washed in a sieve. After sprouting, clean all the items used very carefully, preferably with a soft brush and some fruit vinegar or in the dishwasher. If possible, do not store the finished sprouts, but consume them as soon as possible. If they are stored, then only in the refrigerator and below 5°C. For risk groups such as senior citizens, children, pregnant women and people with a weak immune system, we recommend that sprouts are only consumed after sufficient heating. Thicker sprouts, such as mung bean sprouts, can be cooked without any problems. Blanching can significantly reduce the risk of germs. Please note that blanching does not kill all germs. It is also not suitable for very fine sprouts, such as alfalfa, as these collapse. When blanching, the sprouts are immersed in boiling water for a few seconds and then rinsed in cold water. For example, a sieve that you dip into a pot of boiling water is suitable for this. Boiling and blanching are not suitable for saving already spoiled sprouts.

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