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For the yeast dough
Add oil, salt and flour to a bowl. Warm the liquid slightly and stir in the yeast and sugar. Pour the lukewarm liquid into the bowl and mix to a smooth dough. Dust the dough with a little flour and let it rise for about 30 min.

For the pesto
Soak the dried tomatoes about 30 min. in hot water and then drain off the water. Mince the roasted cashews with garlic, salt and pepper in a blender. Then add the soaked tomatoes and process with a little olive oil to a creamy pesto in a blender.

Now roll out the dough thinly, spread with pesto and roll into a strudel. Cut the roll into approx. 2cm thick slices and place on a baking sheet with baking paper. The pesto rolls now in a preheated oven at 175 ° 18 - 20 min. to bake.


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