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Support for disabled people cooperative & rain forest in the Philippines

130,000 Euro with HAND IN HAND for ecosocial projects

Annika Hertel, Life-Giving Forest e.V.
Insel Leyte, Philippinen: Mitglieder der Kooperative bei einer wohlverdienten Pause im Schatten. Eines ihrer weiteren Ziele ist der Bau eines Ziegenstalls auf ihrem Öko-Bauernhof.
Insel Leyte, Philippinen: Mitglieder der Kooperative bei einer wohlverdienten Pause im Schatten. Eines ihrer weiteren Ziele ist der Bau eines Ziegenstalls auf ihrem Öko-Bauernhof.
© Annika Hertel, Life-Giving Forest e.V.
[02.07.2020]  During the first half of this year, the HAND IN HAND fund supports 27 ecosocial projects in the global south with a total funding sum of more than 130,000 €. In addition, an extraordinary donation is given to a special project, the organic farming cooperative HIPEDAC in the Philippines. 

You can support the projects either with the purchase of HAND IN HAND products (look for products with the HIH logo) – or with a donation to the HAND IN HAND fund and/or to HIPEDAC.

HIPEDAC, located on the island of Leyte, was founded by people with disabilities. Through long-term support of the German Life-Giving Forest association, the members of the cooperative acquired skills and knowledge in agroforestry that are also beneficial for the rainforest. In addition, the members of the cooperative have also planted hundreds of domestic forest trees that help to alleviate the effects of extreme weather events in the Philippines. Donations are also used for the construction of a barn for a small goat herd, the purchase of chickens, the attendance of livestock farming seminars and the installation of two rain water cisterns that can be used for the irrigation of the vegetable garden.

About the HAND IN HAND fund

The HAND IN HAND fund was established in 1998 as a joint project of Rapunzel and the German Environmental Aid. One percent of the purchase price for HAND IN HAND raw materials are donated to the fund.

Editor’s note: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

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