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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND FUND – funded projects 2013

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

Rapunzel supports the HAND IN HAND fund with annual donations. The HAND IN HAND fund is managed by the German Environmental Aid (DUH) and by Rapunzel.

In 2013 we funded 20 projects with a total sum of 117,150 Euro.
The funds were used to support the following projects:

Funded Projects 2013

Project Country Description Funding amount
CONAVI Panama Support for the indigenous population on the Azuero peninsula for the cultivation of coffee plantations and certification of organically grown coffee as long-term income source 5,000 EUR
Ruanda Build-up of a mushroom cultivation plant. The income generated from the sale of the organic mushrooms contributes to the long-term improvement of the educational system and to the awareness training 1,500 EUR
Villa Prado Bolivia Rapunzel cocoa supplier. Sustainable protection and adequate handling of water supply for the improvement of living conditions of the farmers and their families. 5,000 EUR
ARA e.V. - Waldportal Germany Continuous support and maintenance of website 1,000 EUR
JEEP Uganda Access to energy-saving and environmentally-friendly equipment and appropriate rechargeable batteries. Planning and opening of "Clean Energy Products" shop in Uganda. 1,500 EUR
Hekima Girls' Secondary School Tanzania Follow-up project: complete overhaul of the school's antiquated water supply system. 5,000 EUR
artefact Ethiopia Collection of basic data on income maintenance of local beekeepers and their perception of growing bee losses. Goal: propagation of practical bee protection measures for a sustainable apiary as long-term income source. 4,000 EUR
GNF Paraguay Sustainable cultivation of mate and medicinal plants as long-term income source for local population. 5,000 EUR
Planeta Verde Brazil Rapunzel supplier of organic whole cane sugar. Completion of an additional classroom in a home for physically and mentally handicapped children. In the home, children receive education, integration training, psychological and physiological care. 5,000 EUR
ISC TanSol Tanzania Solar power plant construction for self-sufficient power supply of Hekima Girls' Secondary School. 5,000 EUR
ACOREMA Peru Campaign "Waste and marine pollution: The beach and sea are not our dumps“. 4,000 EUR
Global Nature Fund Burundi Support for returning war refugees; lobby campaign against deforestation through tree plantings and introduction of improved cooking sites. 4,000 EUR
Life-Giving-Forest Philippines Purchase of seeds and land for reforestation and the protection of natural tree populations. 4,000 EUR
ISC Konstanz SLAK 4 Cameroon Installation of solar power plants at the vocational and elementary schools in the villages of Bôtbadjang and Ndambog for the improvement of educational quality. 4,000 EUR
Schüler-für-Schüler e.V. Tanzania Construction of a dining room for students and teachers at the educational center at a Benedictine monastery. 4,000 EUR
Kisanga e.V. Congo Completion of a social center, extension of agriculture, construction of an improved water supply system and additional support for education and preventative health care services. 4,000 EUR
Jugend-Bildung-Hilfe in Bolivien e.V. Bolivia Workshops on solar power and sustainable land use for the inhabitants of the Cajamarca Valley. 4,000 EUR
Villa Prado Bolivia Feasability study for the improvement of the water supply system in the Alto Beni region. 1,000 EUR
Pfarrei Buen Pastor Ecuador Extension of the school and renovation of kitchen and washrooms for students. For senior citizens the parish will also build a kitchen, a dining room and a sanitary area. 50,000 EUR
Muleba Association Tanzania Emergency relief aid: bee hives that were damaged by a hurricane were attached to trees for protection against storms and pests. 150 EUR

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