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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND FUND – funded projects 2014

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

Rapunzel supports the HAND IN HAND fund with annual donations. The HAND IN HAND fund is managed by the German Environmental Aid (DUH) and by Rapunzel.

26 projects with a total sum of 91.360 € were funded in 2014.  
Our HAND IN HAND partners also received support from the HAND IN HAND fund.

Funded Projects 2014

Project Country Description Funding amount
Arche Deutschland und Österreich e.V. Zimbabwe Support for an organic chicken farm run by mentally disabled people (costs for maize mill and shredder for feed production) 5,000 EUR
Proyecto Mosaico e.V. Nicaragua Development of a youth education and information center 1,900 EUR
Muleba Association of women living with HIV/Aids Tanzania Establishing a micro financing program for women  3,000 EUR
Tsavo East Community Development Initiative (TECDI) Kenia Start-up financing for the development of baobab cultivation  2,500 EUR
SENCAP e.V. Ghana Teaching seminars for women in organic cultivation and marketing  2,000 EUR
Turtle Foundation Cape Verde Turtle conservation training  4,000 EUR
Generación Nueva e.V. Mexico Nursery for afforestation (with indigenous and traditional crop plants) 2,000 EUR
Log-Ikwo Kamerun
Nachhaltig e.V. Stockach
Cameroon Installation of a solar power plant on a medical center 5,000 EUR
Groupement GNIPIE Burkina Faso Setting up of a drying plant for mango processing 4,000 EUR
TanSol Hekima Tanzania Extension of the photovoltaic plant installed in 2012 5,000 EUR
ARA/Waldportal Germany Revision of the forest portal 3,260 EUR
Global Nature Fund Philippines Set-up of a green wetland filtration system, environmental education 5,000 EUR
Kooperative Yiwalo Burkina Faso Modernization of health care center equipment, especially for prenatal care 4,000 EUR
Tukolere Wamu Uganda Purchase of oxes and ploughs for the Orib Farmer Association  2,500 EUR
AGA e.V. Kenia Elephant protection training as part of an environmental education program (costs for school equipment, teaching material and public relation) 5,000 EUR
Stift. Solarenergie Ethiopia Development of a fourth solar village and equipment for the health care center 5,000 EUR
emPower Training e.V. Turkey Training classes for the development of sustainable projects for refugees from the Middle East 1,000 EUR
Indianerhilfe e.V.
Peru Purchase, transport and planting of fruit tree seedlings for the Urarina model project for organic agriculture   3,000 EUR
Modellfarm 'Sonrisa del Pinto' Nicaragua Workshops on organic agriculture; tools and equipment for the farmers; certification costs and processing plant 5,000 EUR
AGA e.V. Iran Protection of the green hawksbill turtle on the island Krish in the Persian Gulf 5,000 EUR
Difäm e.V. Congo Construction of a waiting room for pregnant women for  safe child birth 5,000 EUR
CREDI-ONG Benin Expansion of the product range of organic pineapple juice producers 2,000 EUR
Capema Peru Dental hygiene pre-school education  2,000 EUR
ECOTOP Bolivia Training and support for conversion to sustainable agriculture 3,000 EUR
GNF Jordan Project for joint water management in the Jordan Valley 5,000 EUR
Sencab e.V. Ghana Improving organic cultivation and marketing of palmfruit products 1,200 EUR

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