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About Rapunzel
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Organic manufacturer
Introducing the next generation of Rapunzel
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Company History
40 years Rapunzel - 40 years organic movement
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50 years
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Real organic
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Processing in Ören
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HAND IN HAND-Fair-Trade-Program
HAND IN HAND fair trade
HAND IN HAND criteria
HAND IN HAND-donation
Exemplary Projects in Details
Hekima, a Success Story
A School for the Future of Africa
Organic Partner
Organic quality since 1974
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Special Rapunzel quality
Organic cultivation
Agropoisons? No thanks!
Fair organic palm oil
Rapunzel among the forerunners for sustainable palm oil
Palm oil: pros and cons
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Mauro Rosso
Demeter partner
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Antipasti & spice pastes
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bioSnacky sprouts equipment
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Muesli and Porridge
Noodles and Pasta
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Rapunzel Partners
Rapunzel Products
Naturally noodles!
Original pasta from Italy, spelt noodles from Germany and legume pasta
Semola / light
Wholemeal noodles
Emmer & spelt noodles
Kamut® noodles
Rice noodles
Legume pasta
No matter if the pasta should be made with ancient cereal or with classic wheat, with legumes or rice... regardless if the noodles should be short, long, twisted, smooth, diagonal, thin or thick, green or red: every noodle lover will find the perfect noodle in the Rapunzel product line that features
more than 50 pasta varieties
Original „al dente“ from Italy
wholemeal and classic Semola pasta
are made by our pastificio in Italy. Our long-term pasta partner uses a traditional recipe for the preparation of the beloved pasta that is in accordance with the Genovese pasta purity law from 1547. Best Italian durum wheat semolina, pure spring water, a slow and gentle drying process at low temperatures give our pasta the typical flavor and a perfect consistency.
The same manufacturing process is used for the preparation of
emmer noodles
. Emmer is an ancient cereal variety that has remained unchanged by breeding and that is as easily digestible as spelt. So back to the roots with emmer! The
spelt noodles
made in Germany complete the classic Rapunzel pasta range.
Legumes and rice noodles
For people with gluten intolerance and for all who want variety on their pasta plates we offer speciality noodles made from rice or legumes.
With our colorful
legume noodles
you can have lentil, chickpea or mung bean pasta on the table in only 4 to 6 minutes cooking time.
Pasta Semolina
Conchiglie semola
Millet spirelli semola
Spaghetti semola, no.5
Spaghettoni semola, no. 7
Spaghettini semola, no.3
Lasagne semola
Penne semola
Spirelli Tricolore semola coloured
Spirelli semola
Farfalle semola
Soup noodles semola coloured (letters)
Makkaroni semola
Soup vermicelli semola
Rigatoni semola
Tagliatelle semola
Torchiette semola
Pasta Wholemeal
Spaghetti wholemeal
Spirelli wholemeal
Lasagne wholemeal
Soup vermicelli wholemeal
Penne wholemeal
Emmer & Spelt – Semolina and Wholemeal
Emmer wheat Spirelli semola
Emmer wheat Spirelli wholemeal
Emmer wheat Penne semola
Emmer wheat Penne wholemeal
Emmer wheat Spaghetti semola
Emmer wheat Spaghetti wholemeal
Spelt Spirelli from Germany
Spelt Spirelli wholemeal from Germany
Spelt Spaghetti from Germany
Glutenfree Pasta
Buckwheat Spaghetti
Rice Noodles
Rice spaghetti
Rice spirelli
Rice Mafalde
Rice Casarecce
Legume Noodles
Chickpea Spirelli
Red lentil Spirelli
Yellow lentil cornetti
Frequently asked questions abour pasta & noodles
Why are there black dots on Rapunzel pasta?
All Rapunzel pasta products contain bran particles. Bran is typically found in wholemeal noodles, but our Semola pasta is also made with ground durum wheat semolina (types ranging between 812 and 1050). The bran particles that consist mostly of dietary fiber darken more during the pasta drying process than the other pasta ingredients and become visible as small, dark dots on the pasta. The dots indicate that our Semola pasta also contains bran. The black dots have nothing to do with pollution or contamination, nor mould.
Do you remove the outer layers and the seedling during the manufacturing of Rapunzel wholemeal noodles?
For the production of Rapunzel wholemeal noodles grain kernels are ground into semolina with a grain size of approximately 200-500 μm. During the manufacturing of the wholegrain semolina in Italy, the outermost part of the pericarp is removed. The wholegrain semolina contains nearly 90% of the grain kernel - including most of the pericarp and all of the seedling. Rapunzel wholemeal noodles are made with a flour type that averages 1600. This manufacturing process is typical for the preparation of Italian durum wheat pasta that is made without eggs. The outermost pericarp layer is removed in order to ensure best noodle consistency and cohesion. Moreover, it has also positive effects for the flavor of the pasta.
What is the extraction rate of Rapunzel Semola pasta?
Light Italian pasta is made with ground durum wheat semolina. In the manufacturing process the bran is sieved and only 50% of the seedling remains in the semolina. Classical pasta Semola contains approximately 65% of the entire grain kernel which corresponds to an ash content (= flour type) of 850 on average. The so-called "flour type" is normally used only to describe flour, but this figure also gives information about the ash content of the ground grain product. From the flour type, the pericarp concentration in the flour can also be deduced.
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel
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