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Organic-Fair Farming HAND IN HAND-donation HAND IN HAND-FUND Overview

HAND IN HAND FUND – funded projects 2008

Update: Since 2022, Rapunzel donates the HAND IN HAND donation (previously HAND IN HAND Fund) to the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation.

Rapunzel supports the HAND IN HAND fund with annual donations. The fund is administered by the Deutsche Umwelthilfe (German Environmental Aid).

In 2008 we supported 11 projects with a total sum of 51,500 Euro.
The donations went to the following projects:

Funded projects 2008

Project Country Description Funding amount
GRD e.V./ ACOREMA Peru Ocean protection project in Paracas/Peru. 4,000 EUR
AVSF Bolivia Development of sustainable production systems and economic diversification. Distribution of tools for mechanical soil tillage in order to protect soil where quinoa is cultivated.  5,000 EUR
Regenwald-Institut e.V.  Bolivia Production, processing and marketing of products from agroforest systems produced by Yungas de La Paz. 5,000 EUR 
GNF/ Fundacion Humedales Columbia Living fences in the Laguna de Fuquene. 5,000 EUR 
GNF/ Fundacion Moises Bertoni Paraguay Waste water purification through plant filtration in a settlement in Paraguay. 5,000 EUR 
AVOH Burkina Faso Support for women and orphans through income generating activities. 5,000 EUR 
Guampri Burkina Faso Support for women and orphans through income generating activities. 5,000 EUR 
ACORD Burkina Faso Project for sustainable agriculture in Noungou. 2,500 EUR 
SLAK- ISC Konstanz e.V. Cameroon Electric power and light for poor in Cameroon. 5,000 EUR
Yungdrung Bön-Stiftung Nepal Training for unemployed youth in Peru. 5,000 EUR
Navdanya Trust Vandana Shiva India Establishment of seed banks through "Seeds of Hope"-campaign against GMO cotton. 5,000 EUR

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