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Organic quality since 1974

Agropoisons? No thanks!

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Pestizide bleiben auf dem Acker? Nein Danke!
Agropoisons? No thanks! is a campaign initiated by the "Association for an agriculture for our grandchildrens future". The association was formed by entrepreneuers that stand for 100 % organic. Among the association members are also several pioneers of the organic movement such as Joseph Wilhelm, founder of Rapunzel Naturkost.

Rapunzel has been part of the association from the very beginning and supports the campaign "Agropoisons? No thanks!" that fights for a healthy life of future generations


Our motivation: for Rapunzel it is normal that all organic products are subject to strict residue controls. All the ingredients for our products are produced by organic farmers who farm without any pesticides. Finding more and more pesticides on the fields - whether organic or conventional fields - jeopardizes the 100-percent-organic promise given by organic farmers, organic producers and the natural health food stores! Therefore, we want to know where the contamination comes from and we support the campaign "Agropoisons? No thanks" with deepest conviction.  Here's how you can participate: 

Scientific studies on pesticide contamination

The "urinals" study produced significant results about the occurrence of agropoisons away from their place of application. In the study, urine samples of more than German 2,000 volunteers were examined. The results show that a large percentage of the population was contaminated with glyphosate. This substance was found in 99.6 percent of the samples. Also test persons who consumed organic products were affected. The researchers concluded that the pesticides were possibly absorbed by the body via the breathing air.  

Agitated by this assumption, organic producers, organic specialist retailers and civil society organizations joined forces.

A scientific study was launched together with the 'Umweltinsititut München'. The results of this study show the degree to which (breathing) air in Germany is contaminated with pesticides. 

Study: "Pesticide contamination in ambient air"

The most important facts

Will pesticides actually stay on the fields where they are applied? This is what the agrochemical industry has been telling us for decades. Yet appearances a deceiving. Until now, the so-called long-distance transport of pesticides was simply neglected in the approval procedures, despite the fact that up to 35,000 tons of pesticide substances are sold in Germany year after year. 

The effects can be measured and they are shocking as was shown in the current and most comprehensive study on pesticide contamination in ambient (breathing) air.

Many toxic pesticides and their metabolic products are spread over long distances via the air all the way into cities and national parks - far away from the fields were they were applied. 

The study that investigated pesticide contamination in ambient air used technical collectors, bee bread, filters from ventilation systems and tree bark monitoring in order to examine the occurrence of pesticide substances - in particular glyphosate - and their metabolites. The results are alarming:

  • Pesticides are everywhere!
    138 Pesticide substances and their metabolites were found in the air
  • Glyphosate is everywhere!
    Glyphosate was found in all regions of Germany
  • Pesticide cocktail in the air!
    Almost three thirds (73 %) of the study sites that were distributed all over Germany showed a minimum of 5 and a maximum of up to 34 pesticides
  • 30 percent of all the found pesticides have already been prohibited years ago!

Samples: how pesticides were measures

For the study "Pesticide contamination in ambient air" the pesticide occurrence in the air was measured all over Germany at 163 sites during the period between 2014 and 2019. 

In the study samples were taken from the surroundings of potential pesticide sources at distances from less than 100 meters all the way to more than 1,000 meters from the source, both in cities and in the countryside as well as in conventional and organic agricultural landscapes and in various nature reserves. 
For these measurements, the scientists from the "TIEM Integrierte Umweltüberwachung" research office used the following methods: 
  • newly developed technical passive collectors
  • filter mats from ventilation systems
  • measurements in bee hives
Many private people supported the study and installed pesticide collectors on their property according to the instructions given by the scientists. Collected samples were sent to the laboratory for evaluation. 
Ambient air was examined for pesticides & agropoisons with passive collectors, tree bark samples, bee bread and filter mats from ventilation systems
Ambient air was examined for pesticides & agropoisons with passive collectors, tree bark samples, bee bread and filter mats from ventilation systems
Christoph Stache
Karl Bär and Dr. Maren Kruse-Plaß with the newly developed passive collector
Karl Bär and Dr. Maren Kruse-Plaß with the newly developed passive collector
© Christoph Stache
Karl Bär and Dr. Maren Kruse-Plaß with the newly developed passive collector
Sven Hill
A passive collector was installed at the Brocken in the Harz National Park
A passive collector was installed at the Brocken in the Harz National Park
© Sven Hill
A passive collector was installed at the Brocken in the Harz National Park
Bee bread was used as pesticide measuring method
Bee bread was used as pesticide measuring method
© BeL
Bee bread was used as pesticide measuring method
Sven Hill
Scientist Dr. Maren Kruse-Plaß removes tree bark
Scientist Dr. Maren Kruse-Plaß removes tree bark
© Sven Hill
Scientist Dr. Maren Kruse-Plaß removes tree bark

Pesticide study with alarming results

The study proofs: glyphosate was found in strange places. In addition to organically farmed areas, glyphosate was also found on the Brocken in the Harz national park, in the Bavarian Forest and downtown Berlin
The study proofs: glyphosate was found in strange places. In addition to organically farmed areas, glyphosate was also found on the Brocken in the Harz national park, in the Bavarian Forest and downtown Berlin

The comprehensive study "Pesticide contamination in ambient air" shows that pesticides not only contaminate organically farmed fields and drift into cities, but that even national parks such as the Brocken or the Bavarian Forest are affected.  

Drift and long-diistance transport spread pesticide substances like glyphosate into every corner of Germany
Drift and long-diistance transport spread pesticide substances like glyphosate into every corner of Germany

In addition to the fields where pesticides are applied, they get also distributed in the air. So far, European pesticide approval procedures do not take adequate account of the so-called long-distance transport of pesticide substances.  

At 163 study sites, up to 78 different pesticide substances were found per Federal state
At 163 study sites, up to 78 different pesticide substances were found per Federal state
This map shows the numbers of pesticide substances that were measured in the different Federal States. Often times, "pesticide cocktails" with various active substances were found. The measurements were performed at 163 sites all over Germany between 2014 and 2019. 
Pesticide measurement sites divided by the different measurement methods bee bread, filter mats, passive collectors and tree bark
Pesticide measurement sites divided by the different measurement methods bee bread, filter mats, passive collectors and tree bark
The different measuring methods with passive collectors, tree bark samples or bee bread provide a substantial database and provide scientific verification for the results. The measurements were performed throughout Germany. 

The total herbicide glyphosate that was classified by the World Health Organization as 'probable carcinogenic for humans' was found everywhere in Germany - also away from conventional fields. 

We demand an immediate ban for the five most frequent pesticides

One of the most urgent demands of the association: the agropoisons with the widest distribution such as glyphosate, pendimethalin, prosulfocarb, terbutylazine and metolachlor must be banned immediately. These five active substances were found most often and very far away from potential application sites. 

1. Immediate ban

It is imperative to ban the active substances that have the widest distribution in the air: glyphosate, pendimethalin, prosulfocarb, metolachlor and terbuthylazine.

2. Pesticide ban until 2035

Until 2035, step by step, the EU Commission must prohibit all chemical, synthetic pesticides. 

3. Pesticide monitoring

The Federal Government must implement an annual, Germany-wide monitoring on the airborne distribution of pesticides. The combined impact of different active substances for nature and humans must be studied. 

4. Compensation

The Federal Government must ensure that organic agriculture is not damaged by chemical synthetic pesticides from conventional agriculture. For this purpose, the government must immediately establish a compensation fund that gets financed by the German pesticide industry. The association suggests, that the pesticide industry allocates ten percent of their annual sales revenue to the compensation fund.  

Karl Bär, lecturer for agrarian and trade politics at Umweltinstitut München
Karl Bär, lecturer for agrarian and trade politics at Umweltinstitut München
© BeL

Karl Bär, agronomist Umweltinstitut München: „The results of our study are alarming. Glyphosate and other agropoisons are distributed as pesticide cocktails right down to the very last corners of Germany. Pesticides are scattered in protected nature reserves, on organic fields and in the air that we breathe. We call upon the Federal Government to act immediately and protect humans and nature.“

Leonhard Wilhelm, Managing Director Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH
Leonhard Wilhelm, Managing Director Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH

Leonhard Wilhelm, Rapunzel Managing Director adds: „I am very shocked that glyphosate and more than 130 other pesticide substances were found all over Germany.

Politicians must finally react and drastically restrict the use of pesticides. We only have this one world and we must take care that it stays liveable for our children and grandchildren! The entire world is threatened in all its diversity and all the people who are currently living on this planet.“

By the way: 16,000 organic farms in Germany have been showing for years that agriculture works totally without any chemical pesticides.

Participate and prevent agropoisons!

Here is what you can do:

  • Get informed: at you will find the most important facts on this important topic and details about the study. Experts will answer additional questions on the airborne distribution of pesticides at Whispert.
  • Open a dialog with politics: at www.ackergifte nein werden you can send your personal questions to the Ministry on Agriculture and Environment of your Federal state. At the end of the campaign, the association will demand answers on your behalf.
  • Purchase promotional products: throughout October 2020, you will find specially marked, promotional products at participating organic retail stores. With the purchase of these products you will support the initiative.
  • Support the petition: you can stand up against pesticide use in Europe with the European Citizens' Initiative "Save bees and farmers!" (EBI). Find more information at
Agropoisons are everywhere!
Agropoisons are everywhere!

Agropoisons affect us all!

Independent studies on pesticides

Glyphosate in urine: the urinals

In 2015, the 'urinal study' tested urine samples from 2011 citizens for glyphosate.
In 2015, the 'urinal study' tested urine samples from 2011 citizens for glyphosate.

From October 2015 until January 2016, the citizens' initiative 'Landwende' carried out a "urinal study". A total of 2011 German citizens had their urine examined for traces of glyphosate. This data collection on glyphosate contamination was the biggest collection of this kind of data worldwide. The study was entirely financed with private money.

Glyphosate was found in 2001 of 2009 usable samples - or 99.6 percent. Only 8 samples - or 0.4 percent - were below the detection limit of the used test procedure. In 79 percent of the samples, the contamination was 5 to 42 fold higher than the maximum permitted residue level for pesticides in drinking water, which amounts to 0.1 nanogram per milliliter. The urine samples of children and teenagers had the highest measured contamination values.

Nearly 50 percent of the study participants consumed primarily organic food products. However, the glyphosate values of this study group were only slightly lower than the values of people with a conventional diet - regardless if they lived in the countryside or in a city. 

How is that possible? It cannot be due to the diet because organic products are subject to strict residue controls. Is it possible that glyphosate - contrary to what the industry claims - gets spread all the way into cities through the air? 

Agropoisons in trees: the tree bark study

Sven Hill
Scientist Dr. Maren Kruse-Plaß removes tree bark for the examination of pesticide substances
Scientist Dr. Maren Kruse-Plaß removes tree bark for the examination of pesticide substances
© Sven Hill

Trees don't lie! In 2018, the independent TIEM Institute 'Integrierte Umweltüberwachung' examined tree bark for agropoison contamination on behalf of the "Association for an agriculture for our grandchildrens future". 

Tree bark samples were taken from 47 sites in Germany, from nature reserves, from organic growing regions and from inner cities. More than 100 active substances that must have been transported to the trees via the air were found in the bark samples; more than a dozen active substances were found very frequently, among them readily evaporating pesticides such as pendimethalin and prosulfocarb. 

Glyphosate, a solid material that should not get distributed via the air according to the regulatory authority, also ranks among the five most frequently found substances - a new and alarming result! 


The truth: during droughts, organic agriculture yields up to 31 % greater harvests. Agropoisons have more destructive than beneficial effects. 

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The truth: in 4 years, the limit values were increased 739 times. Agropoisons are very difficult to control.

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The truth: 30 % of agropoisons that were found in the air are not approved. Agropoisons do not stay on the field. Pesticide drift and transport have long been known but have been neglected. 

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The truth: glyphosate is harmful to the microbial intestinal ecosystem. The research on this has only just begun. 

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The truth: pesticides were found in 80 % of all bee bread samples. The damage that has already been done is much greater.

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The truth: in the discount stores, we pay twice for our purchase. Nearly 35,000 tons of agropoisons are spread - every year, only in Germany. 

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The truth: agropoisons are still prohibited in organic agriculture. Organic farmers use only biodegradable substances and no chemical synthetic substances whatsoever. 

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The truth shows a pretty dark picture. We must act now. 

Pesticides from conventional agriculture are transported through the air over very long distances. These pesticides threaten organic farmers in the surroundings and beyond. Airborne pesticides destroy the work of organic farmers and the quality of their products - and wreck the basis of organically managed enterprises. 

Therefore, the Federal Government must ensure the coexistence of organic farmers and conventional agriculture through adequate measures that prevent reliably the long-distance transport of pesticide substances through the air. 


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At Whispert you will find answers to more questions on airborne pesticides.
Stellen Sie Ihre Fragen zu Pestiziden in der Luft an ausgesuchte Experten auf Whispert

Why Rapunzel supports the study "Airborne pesticide contamination"

„How can it be that people like myself who consume exclusively organic products and who have grown up with organic food have glyphosate in their body?" This result from the  2015 "Urinal study" upset us tremendously.

From our daily routines at Rapunzel, I am familiar with the strict residue controls that we perform with our organic products and that we want to upkeep in the future! All the ingredients for our products come from organic farmers who farm without any pesticides.

Finding more and more pesticides on the fields now - regardless if these fields are organic or conventional fields - jeopardizes the 100-percent-organic promise given by organic farmers, organic producers and the natural health food stores! In order to counteract these findings, we want to know where the contamination comes from. For that reason, we support the study with deepest conviction"

Leonhard Wilhelm, Managing Director Rapunzel Naturkost


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