Organic quality since 1974
Our ambition – top quality from controlled organic cultivation!
Quality Control
Our ambition – top quality from controlled organic cultivation!
The experienced Rapunzel Quality Control Team continuously performs very elaborate quality controls. Additionally, our products are analyzed by recognized external laboratories.

The most important elements of Rapunzel quality:
1. Very close contact to our suppliers
- Fair cooperation
- Improvement of cultivation conditions and production processes
- Identification of possible sources of pollution
- Regular supplier audits, i.e. personal on-site inspection by Rapunzel staff
2. Thorough control of incoming goods
- Inspection of the truck or container load
- Inspection of packing and labels
- Sampling
- Continuous transparency from the field to the table
3. Sampling and analysis
- Coordination and implementation of optimal sampling
- Analytical tests (quick tests) in our own laboratory performed by Rapunzel staff
- Additional quality controls by independent, external experts
- Inspection of organoleptic and visual criteria
4. Improvement and monitoring of production processes
- Optimal protection of all valuable components, e.g. vitamins and minerals
- Use of the best organic raw materials
- Production of food products free of synthetic additives (e.g. aromas)
- Gentle, traditional processing
Details of our quality control system
In order to ensure a thorough control of incoming goods every Rapunzel article receives its own lot number for cultivation, transport and processing. With this lot number, the goods can be backtracked all the way to the producer.
Additional quality controls by independent, external experts and by Rapunzel staff include the following:
Additional quality controls by independent, external experts and by Rapunzel staff include the following:
- Multiple controls of all products obtained from our own cultivation projects or products that are delivered to us by our suppliers
- Analysis of advance samples at headquarters in Legau and by accredited laboratories
- Batch-related sampling and analysis for more than 600 different parameters, e.g.: pesticides and heavy metals of incoming goods
- Continuous control of the entire production process by our quality team that includes two food engineers, a chemical food engineer, a food engineer for product development and three food chemists.
- Average annual expenditures for analytical work.
Gentle processing of our high-quality organic raw materials is our tradition and has positive effects on the quality of our products:
- Nuts for our nut spreads are always freshly roasted prior to processing using gentle hot-air roasting.
- All Rapunzel cooking oils are cold-pressed and processed without chemical additives. Thanks to the gentle pressing technique, the runout temperature of our native sunflower oil, for example, never exceeds 40° C. Low-temperature processing protects nutritiously important substances such as vitamins, fatty acids and secondary plant compounds.