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Caramel Chocolate Bars with bionella


Put all the ingredients for the bottom into a bowl and bake well with a food processor until the dough has the desired creamy texture. Put baking paper in a baking dish or on a baking tray. Then spread the dough until it is nice and smooth and about 3 mm thick. Then place in the freezer for about 15 minutes.

While giving dates, bionella, coconut oil, vanilla powder and vegetable milk into a high-performance blender until the mixture is evenly creamy. Remove the bottom from the freezer and evenly spread the caramel mass. Put the tin or tin back in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Now melt the chocolate in a pot with hot water and stir in 2 tablespoons of bionella. Remove the bar mass from the freezer and cut out the sticks. Then pour over the liquid chocolate. You can also pour the chocolate into chocolate bars and then cut into sticks, but then the rim is without chocolate, but it’s a bit easier. Cool again until the chocolate is firm. Store in the freezer.


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