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Please contact us if you should be dissatisfied with a Rapunzel product. We will be glad to help you.
Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1
D - 87764 Legau

Phone: +49 8330 529-0
Fax:      +49 8330 529

E-Mail: info(at)
Please note when completing our online contact form, fields marked with * are obligatory.

We are going to answer your request as soon as possible and contact you.

Attention: If you have problems submitting the complaint form, please make sure that you are using an up-to-date browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox) and try again.
If the problems persist, please contact us by email or phone. 

Personal data

Form of address:

First name:

Last name:

Street and house number:

Zip code:





Product data

Exact product name:

Package size:

Best-before date:

Time (if existing):

Reason for complaint:

Picture/ Attachment

Please send us – if possible – a picture of the product concerned. You are authorized to upload files of the type jpg, gif or png with maximum 12 MB.

I have read and understood the terms of use and the data protection notice.
I am aware that the transmitted personal data can be used by Rapunzel for further questions or for contacting me in accordance with this data protection notice.

Please note when completing our online contact form, fields marked with * are obligatory.
We are going to answer your request as soon as possible and contact you.


Dekoratives Bild
Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel

Foreign Distributors

We distribute our products around the world - our local partners are happy to help you.

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