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Plum cake with tonka and hazelnuts


Preparation time20 min
Baking Time75 min
Dekoratives Bild
(Wilhelm Studio)
Plum cake with tonka and hazelnuts
Plum cake with tonka and hazelnuts


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, Tonka pudding powder, salt, vegetable milk and oil with a hand mixer. Pour the dough into a greased baking pan with a diameter of 28 cm. Wash, halve and core the plums. Then distribute evenly on the dough. Sprinkle the ground hazelnuts on top. Then bake the cake at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Drain the chickpeas and collect the water (aquafaba) in a mixing bowl. Reserve the chickpeas for later use. such as in a delicious hummus).

Whip the aquafaba for at least 7 minutes. The slightly yellow brew turns into a white foam. When it is stiff, add the powdered sugar and lemon juice.

Take the cake out of the oven and spread the meringue on top. Then bake again at 100 degrees for 30 minutes. The meringue then dries out slightly - it should remain a little soft.

After baking, add some chopped hazelnuts.

Tip: Also very tasty with currants instead of plums - depending on the season.


For the dough:For the meringue:
  • 100 ml 160 ml chickpea water, from one can of Rapunzel chickpeas
  • 150 g icing sugar
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice

  • Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
    Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
    Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
    Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188
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    Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
    Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
    Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
    Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188