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Pizza vegan


Preparation time30 min
Baking Time35 min
Aljosha und Gordon
Pizza vegan
Pizza vegan


Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Mix Whole spelled flour and water in a bowl. Use a dough hook to make a homogeneous dough. Sprinkle some flour on a surface, knead dough quickly and divide into 4 equal pieces. Form dough into a flat round shapes and bake in the oven at 180°C for 8-10 minutes.

Cut the zucchini and red onions into thin slices. Spread tomato paste on the ground and top it with zucchini, red onions, artichoke hearts or other vegetables. Bake the pizza again for 13-15 minutes.

Mix white almond butter, yeast flakes and the juice of half a lemon to a homogeneous mass. Then distribute on the pizza and bake it for the last time in the oven for ca. 5-8 minutes. Top it with fresh rocket and use salt and pepper to taste.


Pizza doughToppingCheese substitute

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