
Preparation time20 min
Rest Time1 h
Baking Time30 min
Dekoratives Bild
(Wilhelm Studio)
German Nut Braid
German Nut Braid


Preheat the oven to 180° C.

For the yeast dough:
Mix flour and yeast. Then add the lukewarm plant milk, margarine, sugar and eggs and knead with the flour to a smooth dough. Cover and let the dough rise in a warm place for an hour.

For the filling:
Knead the dough and roll out into a rectangle (approx. 30x40 cm). Spread the nut filling on top and roll up lengthways. Place the roll on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Cut the roll lengthways in the middle until just before the end. Then gobble the two half-rolls together so that the filling points upwards and form a wreath. Bake the wreath at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

For the sugar glaze:
Mix the powdered sugar and lemon juice together and sprinkle over the nut braid.


For the filling:For the glaze:
  • 50 g powdered sugar
  • 1-2 tbs lemon juice

Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188
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Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188