Since 1987 Rapunzel gets its tasteful Rapadura whole cane sugar from the sugar cane plantation and sugar mill Planeta Verde in Brazil. Family Baumgartner-Lutz who is successfully running the mill has been dedicated for centuries to organic agriculture and a responsible way of living.

HAND IN HAND products
Cultivation, processing and export

Since 1987 the farm has been operated in accordance with organic principles. The farm provides great agricultural variety: cattle, a lot of trees, small lakes etc. Integration of compost and livestock farming improves nutrient cycling, soil fertility and the health of the sugar cane plant. Erosion of arable top soil due to strong tropical downpours is a considerable risk in Brazil. Therefore the sugar cane is planted with bushes and trees. These small biotopes prevent topsoil erosion.

Planeta Verde
Workers at Planeta Verde are employed throughout the whole year. They get considerably higher wages compared to the Brazilian minimum wage. Planeta Verde provides houses on the farm where some of the workers are living together with their families. The houses have running water and electricity. A garden provides the workers with vegetables and medicinal herbs. Additional benefits supplied by family Baumgartner-Lutz are free medical treatment for the workers and free education for the workers´ children, training courses on healthy nutrition, child care and environmental consciousness. Family Baumgartner-Lutz also helps poor families in the region who suffer from starvation.

HAND IN HAND support
Rapunzel supports the activities at Planeta Verde by paying considerably higher prices compared to the normal world market price and by maintaining long-term trade relations. The additional HAND IN HAND bonus is used to support social projects in rural communities.
Recipes with Rapadura whole cane sugar

Coffee Crumble Cake with Hazelnuts and Chocolate

Peanut Miso Cookies

Almond Tiramisu

Buttermilk waffles with breakfast porridge Ayurveda


Chocolate Chip Cookies with Walnuts

Brownies, klassisch oder vegan

Homemade Almond Milk

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie with Chocolate Chips

Coconut rice

Oriental milk rice with orange date sauce

Carrot cake with walnuts and butter cream