all recipes Main Dishes




Preparation time15 min
Baking Time10 min
Dekoratives Bild


Heat the oven on the grill modus. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat and lightly fry onions and peppers. Add the chopped garlic and cook until tender for another 1 to 2 minutes.

Add the cumin, pepper powder and cayenne pepper to the vegetables and mix. Place the pizza tomatoes in the pan and add salt and pepper to your liking. Leave to simmer for a few minutes until the tomato sauce is slightly thickened and completely hot.

Use a spoon to make small indents in the tomato sauce and carefully place the eggs in the indents. Transfer skillet to the oven and bake until eggs are just set; 7 to 10 minutes. Optional you can crumble some feta over it all before you place it in the oven.

Remove the Shakshuka from the oven and garnish with parsley. Enjoy with fresh bread on the side.


For two portions
  • 2 tbs Rapunzel frying oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped into squares
  • 1 small red pepper, cored and cut into bit size stripes
  • 1 small yellow pepper, cored and cut into bit size stripes
  • 2 garlic cloves, cut into thin slices
  • ½ tsp cumin
  • ½ tsp sweet pepper powder
  • ? tsp cayenne pepper
  • 330 g Rapunzel pizza tomatoes
  • ½ tsp Rapunzel sea salt with iodine
  • ¼ tsp pepper, fresh ground
  • 3 eggs
  • parsley
  • Optional for serving: Fresh bread and butter

Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188
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Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188