all recipes Appetizer


Bruschetta spread


Preparation time20 min
Gabi und Johann Ebner
Bruschetta spread
Bruschetta spread


Preheat oven to 190 ° degrees top and bottom heat. Cut smoked tofu with onion, pepper, pumpkin and sweet potato into small cubes and mix well with 50 ml of olive oil and soy sauce.

Put everything in a casserole dish and bake for 15 min. in a hot oven. Add the remaining olive oil, tomato paste, tomato ketchup and apple syrup to the warm mixture and mix.

Season with bruschetta, Italian spice mixture, galangal and some herbal salt and season with parsley. Before the spread is put on the bread, allow to cool.

Tip: The bruschetta spread can also be used as a sauce for pasta. Add 200g of spread 200ml of tomato sauce and 100ml of vegetable stock.


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