Rapunzel Maple Syrup: 100% Natural and Highest Quality

Rapunzel Maple Syrup is produced in Canadian maple forests near the city of Quebec, Canada. In order to collect the tree sap the tree trunks are gently tapped. A maple tree must be at least 40 years old before it produces maple sap for the first time. Every tree gives only the quantity of sap that it can afford to give. The production of 1 liter of maple syrup requires about 40 to 45 liters of maple sap. The sweet sap from the maple trees is classified into different quality grades depending if its characteristic taste is milder (grade A) or stronger (grade C).  

Special production
Depending on harvest time, maple syrup can be assigned to different quality classes. The earlier the harvest time, the more delicate and mild the quality of the syrup. 
Star chef Attila Hildmann loves to sweeten his recipes with maple syrup
Star chef Attila Hildmann loves to sweeten his recipes with maple syrup

Quality and Control: Controlled Organic Cultivation

Rapunzel Maple Syrup is a natural product with best quality. Our maple syrup is an organic product from Canadian maple trees that are located in the Quebec region. We have been fostering a close, cooperative partnership with our Canadian supplier since 2003. The maple forests where Rapunzel maple syrup is produced belong to our supplier who manages the maple trees in a totally natural way. 
Canadian maple syrup is subjected to very strict controls when it comes to the protection of this natural product. Both the producer and the filling plant are thoroughly srutinized by independent inspectors with repect to the compliance with hygiene regulations and other legal guidelines. The use of chemical anti-foaming agents for the thickening of maple syrup are strictly prohibited in the organic maple syrup production.      
The maple sap trickles through tubes into a collection container.
The maple sap trickles through tubes into a collection container.

Coloring and Classification

The quality of the maple syrup depends on the time of year when the sap is collected. The earlier the sap is harvested during the year, the finer the quality of the maple syrup. The different quality grades are based on the harvest time. Early-harvest maple syrup has a lighter color and a milder taste. 

The later in the year the sap is collected, the darker the coloration of the maple syrup and the stronger its aroma. Since the amount of light-colored syrup is relatively small with respect to the overall harvest amounts, the price for the precious, mild delicacy is much higher than for the stronger-tasting maple syrup.   
Grade: Brightness: Translucence: Taste:
AA very light 100–75% subtle-mild
A light 74 – 61% mild, aromatic
B medium 60 – 44% strong
C dark (amber colored) 43 – 27% strong, caramelly
D very dark less than 27% intense

Maple syrup is marketed in different grades (from AA to D). The classification of the syrup depends on different criteria - especially the light tansmittance of the syrup plays an important role. Light grade A maple syrup for example has a higher light transmittance than dark grade C syrup. 

The classification of Rapunzel products is done by state inspectors in the country of origin. In Germany, a legal regulation for the designation of the different grades is lacking as of today. Rapunzel maple syrup has the highest quality and is classified according to original Canadian quality standards. 
The grade ad the maple syrup's coloration give the consumer an indication of its aromatic intensity. The darker color maple syrup has, the stronger is its taste. In the end, one's individual taste preference and the way how the maple syrup is used are the decisive factors for choosing a specific grade: the selection for a particular grade of maple syrup depends on your taste! 

Rapunzel Maple Syrup from controlled organic cultivation is available either in grade A or grade C quality. Grade A maple syrup is very mild and has a fine aroma; grade C maple syrup has a strong, caramel flavor. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Maple Syrup

Is maple syrup spoiled when a white layer has formed on the surface?

No. Maple syrup is a natural product that is obtained from the tapping of maple trees in Canada in the springtime. The sweet sap is thickened 40-fold to a total sugar content of approximately 65-66% without addition of any preservatives. When maple syrup is bottled, it is pasteurized at 92° degree Celsius in order to prevent fermentation during prolonged storage.   

When the maple syrup bottle is opened, naturally occurring yeast cells from the ambient air may enter into the bottle. During storage, the yeast cells can form a thin white layer on the surface. Physiologically speaking, yeast cells are unobjectionable - they are ingested in several other foods. The process of white layer formation can be slowed but not totally ruled out through storage in the refrigerator. After opening, the bottle should never be left open but quickly reclosed. If a yeast layer has formed, it can be drained. 

The formation of a yeast layer cannot be prevented, because no preservatives are used. However, the yeast has neither effect on the taste nor on product quality. 
Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188
E-Mail: info@rapunzel.de
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Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH & Co. KG
Rapunzelstraße 1, D - 87764 Legau
Telefon: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8330 / 529 - 1188
E-Mail: info@rapunzel.de