Franziska Heinrich | Host of the Podcast
About the podcast with Franziska Heinrich: The BioMarkt Verbund podcast is about all things organic every second Wednesday. Listeners can find out more about the organic sector and organic farming on the Spotify or Apple Podcast streaming platforms.
Live podcasts at the Rapunzel One World Festival
If organic is the cake, then this podcast is the icing on the cake... or the cherry on top? For sure, we do try and stay modest. We are a colourful bunch of people who work at BioMarkt. And because we spend all day talking about organic products anyway, we're going to give you some more now. It's about everything that has anything to do with organic – and that's actually quite a lot. From cow dung to tofu mince, from waste separation to avocado: We want to do straight talking. Sometimes it hurts, but most of the time it only hurts for a moment. This is “Irgendwas mit Bio (something with organics) - The BioMarkt Podcast”.
Saal Allgäu
Live podcasts at the Rapunzel One World Festival
If organic is the cake, then this podcast is the icing on the cake... or the cherry on top? For sure, we do try and stay modest. We are a colourful bunch of people who work at BioMarkt. And because we spend all day talking about organic products anyway, we're going to give you some more now. It's about everything that has anything to do with organic – and that's actually quite a lot. From cow dung to tofu mince, from waste separation to avocado: We want to do straight talking. Sometimes it hurts, but most of the time it only hurts for a moment. This is “Irgendwas mit Bio (something with organics) - The BioMarkt Podcast”.
Saal Allgäu
Ihre Podcast-Gäste
Jennifer Vermeulen & Justina Wilhelm
Rapunzel Naturkost
Rapunzel Naturkost
Jan Plagge
Präsident Bioland e.V. and IFOAM Organics Europe
Präsident Bioland e.V. and IFOAM Organics Europe
Annika Glaser
Manager Partnerships, Regional Partners, Network & Policy at Acker e. V.
Manager Partnerships, Regional Partners, Network & Policy at Acker e. V.
Dr. Gero Leson
Dr Bronner's Vice President of Special Operations
Dr Bronner's Vice President of Special Operations
Petra Boie
Board Member Bingenheimer Saatgut AG
Board Member Bingenheimer Saatgut AG
Barbara Altmann
Head Sustainable Supply Chain Management at Rapunzel Naturkost
Head Sustainable Supply Chain Management at Rapunzel Naturkost