About Rapunzel
Our joint decision for a better, more environmentally friendly world
The Rapunzel Bio-Cent
Our joint decision for a better, more environmentally friendly world

We produce organic products out of love and have done right from the very beginning. From October 2022 we are doing even more: for every sold product we will donate 1 cent for a better, more environmentally friendly world! In this way, a small amount can lead to a large sum with which we can really bring about a change.
Whether regionally or worldwide – the Bio-Cent promotes organic farming and supports ecological and social projects. Because a sustainable and healthy planet is something which is very important to us. And a world in which equal consideration is given to the well-being of people, plants, animals and the environment. For this we are happy to pay the Bio-Cent.
Whether regionally or worldwide – the Bio-Cent promotes organic farming and supports ecological and social projects. Because a sustainable and healthy planet is something which is very important to us. And a world in which equal consideration is given to the well-being of people, plants, animals and the environment. For this we are happy to pay the Bio-Cent.

Our vision: a sustainable and healthy planet. With the Bio-Cent, Rapunzel is therefore supporting ecological farming.
How the Bio-Cent works
The donations from the Bio-Cent go directly to the RAPUNZEL “Eine Welt Bio-Stiftung” (One World Organic Foundation) which was established in 2022. All our work and commitment in this area is incorporated here. In this way we can strengthen our efforts for a better world – with regard to impact as well as reach.
Bioland Stiftung/SonjaHerpich

BODEN.BILDEN: for a strong humus layer.
Healthy soils
A world which is also fit for future generations needs fertile soils. As a result of all the intensive land use of past decades, fertile and humus-rich soils have become very endangered. It is therefore essential to raise awareness on soil protection from the latest findings from research amongst the people working in agriculture. And, with information on practice-related methods, help them to promote and maintain soil fertility.
The Bioland Stiftung is committed to this with its BODEN.BILDEN Initiative. In 2022 Bio-Cent supported this further training project with 10,000 euros.

Committed to the use of more organic seeds and variety diversity.
Organic seeds: We embody diversity
A small seed can grow into something big: seedfast, organic seeds is something which is very important to Rapunzel. More organic seeds offer greater variety diversity for the future and, at the same time, means that farmers and families managing small farms are less dependent on the few big seed companies. Rapunzel has therefore, for a long time, been committed to, and this in a manifold way, the use of more organic seeds and greater variety.
With the aid of the Bio-Cent, the RAPUNZEL Eine Welt Bio-Stiftung supports numerous seed projects including for organic tomatoes and organic durum wheat for pasta.
The Bio-Cent supports eco-social projects worldwide.
Eco-social initiatives
We all live on one planet. Rapunzel is therefore also committed to supporting initiatives in southern countries.
In autumn 2022 the RAPUNZEL Eine Welt Bio-Stiftung approved 80,000 euros for ecological and social projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This included an initiative from LOVE FOR LIFE e.V. – a solar project involving indigenous communities in Central and Southern America. A seemingly simple effect, namely gaining electricity from a regenerative source, has a positive impact on many areas of life: it improves the education opportunities for children and adults, supports women and civil society, strengthens food security and the health system and helps preserve the rain forests.